Department   Department of Data Science, Faculty of Data Science
   Position   Professor
Research Period 2009~2012
Research Topic Empirical Analysis of Agricultural Households in the Pre-war PeriodJapan: A Panel Data Approach
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant Number 22243030
Responsibility Representative Researcher
Collaborative Researcher SAITOU Osamu,YASUDA Satoshi,SATOU Masahiro,KUROSAKI Takashi,SAKURAI Takeshi,SAWADA Yasuyuki,ASAMI Atsuyuki,SENDA Tetsushi,NAGAE Masakazu,OZEKI Manabu
Details We construct the panel data base of agricultural households in the Pre-war Period Japan. We analyze agricultural household behavior from the viewpoints of economic history, agricultural economics and development economics. In particular, we investigate the debt problem in agricultural household in the pre-war period and the food control issues in the war-time. The results of these researches are presented at the academic conferences and published in academic journals. In the field of development economics, agricultural households in the current developing countries, facing various risks such as climate shock and commodity price volatility, create institutional arrangements that might resemble those functions in the pre-war Japan.