Department   Department of Data Science, Faculty of Data Science
   Position   Professor
Research Period 2013/04~2016/03
Research Topic Dynamic and Institutional Analyses of the Agricultural Household Economy in the Pre-war Japan
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant Number 25245047
Responsibility Representative Researcher
Collaborative Researcher SAITOU Osamu,SATO Masahiro,KUROSAKI Takashi,ARIMOTO Yutaka,OKAZAKI Tetsuji,SAWADA Yasuyuki,ASAMI Atsuyuki,SENDA Tetsushi,OZEKI Manabu,KUSADOKORO Motoi
Details We have constructed the database for the survey of Agricultural Household in the pre-war period (1931-41). The survey covers the same households over time, so that we can construct the panel data.Using this panel data, we have conducted the modern economic analysis for agricultural households with the interdisciplinary nature. In particular, asset accumulation and human capital investment of agricultural households are examined comprehensively from the view points of agricultural economics, development economics and economic history. We have obtained different results from the previous studies in development economics and economic history of the pre-war Japan. These results are presented in the academic conferences and published in refereed journals.