Department   Department of Data Science, Faculty of Data Science
   Position   Professor
Research Period 2016/04~2019/03
Research Topic Long-Term Dynamics and Its Institutional Analysis of Household Behavior over The Pre-war, During-war and Post-War Periods
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grant Number 16H02029
Responsibility Representative Researcher
Collaborative Researcher Okazaki Tetsuji,Nagase Nobuko,Shigekawa Junko,Ohmori Masahiro,Ozeki Manabu,LEE Sujin,Matsuda Noriko,Kusadokoro Motoi
Details The"Long-Term Dynamics and Its Institutional Analysis of Household Behavior over The Pre-War, During-War and Post-War Periods"are analyzed by means of Agricultural Household Survey (the Databases of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) Survey of Farm Household Economy (SFHE): the MAF SFHE Databases) in the pre-war period and of Kakeibo (household financial diaries) in the post-war period. These survey data are converted into digital form, so that we can analyze them in a computer, we have completed its digitalization of Agricultural Household Survey up to a period from 1931 until 1941.At the same time, we conducted empirical research of the long-term dynamics of household behavior in Japan. It becomes apparent that how the Japanese household reacted to the external shocks such as The Great Depression in 1929 and The World War II.