Department   Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2020/01
Peer Review Peer reviewed
Title The growth of knowledge through the resource-based view
Contribution Type
Journal Management Decision
Journal TypeAnother Country
Publisher Emerald Publishing Limited
Volume, Issue, Page 58(1),pp.98-111
Details The RBV has not previously been conceptualized as a theoretical framework encompassing metaphysical and empirical perspectives. The purpose of this paper is to logically analyze the evolutionary process of the RBV, triggered by rigidity. It attempts to clarify the significance and limitations of the RBV.
DOI 10.1108/MD-11-2016-0798
URL for researchmap https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/MD-11-2016-0798/full/html