ツジムラ マサコ
辻村 雅子 所属 データサイエンス学部 データサイエンス学科 職種 准教授 |
発表年月日 | 2023/03/31 |
発表テーマ | A Flow-of-Funds Analysis of the Japanese Economy: Inequality among Households and among Firms |
会議名 | International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) – Bank of Italy Conference “Central Banks, Financial Markets and Inequality” |
主催者 | International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) and Bank of Italy |
学会区分 | 国際学会 |
発表形式 | 口頭(一般) |
単独共同区分 | 共同 |
国名 | イタリア |
開催地名 | ナポリ |
開催期間 | 2023/03/29~2023/04/01 |
発表者・共同発表者 | Kazusuke Tsujimura and Masako Tsujimura |
概要 | The first economists who systematically exploited the flow-of-funds accounts were Ragnar Frisch and Paolo Baffi who evaluated the consequences of central bank operations on the financial statements of both financial and non-financial sectors. This paper studies inequality not only among households but also among firms using disaggregated National Accounts of Japan by converting it into a who-to-whom flow-of-funds matrix (payer-payee matrix) based on the ideas proposed by Richard Stone and Lawrence Klein. |