(最終更新日:2023-04-10 13:21:00)
  ローズ サミュエル   ROSE SAMUEL
  ローズ サミュエル
   所属   文学部 社会学科
   職種   准教授
■ 現在の専門分野
■ 論文
1. 論文  Labour Unions and Social Capital: Proactive Strategies for the 21st Century The Academic Journal of the Faculty of Letters: Rissho University (39),pp.151-161 (単著) 2023/03
2. 論文  Developing Oral and Written Communication Skills: Learning English in a Japanese University While Preparing for the Global Stage The Academic Journal of the Faculty of Letters: Rissho University (38),pp.63-72 (単著) 2022/03/23
3. 論文  Emotions and the Tokyo Morning Commute The Journal of the Faculty of Letters: Rissho University (145),pp.111-119 (単著) 2022/03/20
4. 論文  Personal Development and Journal Writing Journal of Global Media Studies (25),pp.91-94 (単著) 2019/09
5. 論文  Rissho University’s 2018 Kiso Eigo Classes: Reflections on the First Four Years The Journal of the Faculty of Letters: Rissho University (142),pp.105-122 (単著) 2019/03/20
6. 論文  Authentic Dialogue and Character Representations in Post-colonial Dramas The Academic Journal of the Faculty of Letters: Rissho University (35),pp.99-112 (単著) 2019/03
7. 論文  The Relevance of Post-colonial Theory: A Literary and Socio-political Analysis The Academic Journal of the Faculty of Letters: Rissho University (34),pp.51-64 (単著) 2018/03/20
8. 論文  Canadian Literature: Comparing the Conflicts in Jacques Gadabout's Knife on the Table and Marco Micone's Two Plays The Journal of the Faculty of Letters: Rissho University (141),pp.121-135 (単著) 2018/03
9. 論文  Tokyo: Globalization and the Postmodern Experience Journal of Global Media Studies (21),pp.33-39 (単著) 2017/09
10. 論文  Ethnic Minority Writing:
The Complexities Surrounding Authenticity, Translation, and Representation in a Global Environment Journal of Global Media Studies (20),pp.63-70 (単著) 2017/03
■ 著書・その他
1. その他 Good English Vibes: Learning for a Brighter Future  pp.1-90 (単著) 2022/01/31Link
2. その他 Fundamental English Practice: The Faculty of Letters, Rissho University. 3rd ed.  (3),pp.1-137  2017/03
3. その他 Fundamental English Practice: The Faculty of Letters, Rissho University. 2nd ed.  (2),pp.1-136  2016/03
4. その他 Fundamental English Practice: The Faculty of Letters, Rissho University. 1st ed.  (1),pp.1-87  2015/03
■ 学会発表
1. 2020/02/22 Cartesian Dualism in the 21st Century: Our Bodies and the External Social Environment(The 17th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities, and Innovation 2020)
2. 2020/01/27 The Human Mind And Body: Interactions Between The Internal Body And The External Social Environment(International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS))
3. 2020/01/10 Your Mind and Society
4. 2019/09/28 The Human Mind and the Social Environment(2019年度 立正大学英文学会総会・年次大会)
5. 2019/02/22 Learning a Second Language with Time Paired Practice(Nineteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations)
6. 2019/01/25 Cross-faculty Research in a Private Japanese University: Improving Language Skills While Bringing Faculties Closer Together(The 12th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities, and Innovation)
7. 2016/09/24 日本における第2言語取得〜大学生のモチベーションを取り上げる(2016年度 立正大学英文学会総会・年次大会)
8. 2014/10/22 必修科目「基礎英語」の改革と英語教育に関する考察(立正大学人文科学研究所定例発表会)
9. 2014/07/12 ネイティブの英語講師が東京圏に住んでいる: オートエスノグラフィック アナリシス(立正大学英文学会年次大会)
■ 学歴・取得学位
1. 2006/01~2011/05 Athabasca University Master of Arts Integrated Studies 修士課程修了 Master of Arts - Integrated StudiesLink
■ 主要授業科目