(Last updated : 2024-05-23 18:16:08)
   Department   Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics
   Position   Professor
■ Present specialized field
Economic statistics, Economic policy 
■ Book and thesis
1. Article Economic Interrelationship between Japan and the Chinese Coastal Area : An Empirical Analysis Using International and Regional Input-Output Mode Chukyo University Institute of Economics Discussion Paper Series (1504) (Collaboration) 2016/01
2. Article The Regional Structure of Chinese Economy―Some Analyses Based on the Multi-Regional Input-Output Table of China,1997―  14(1),pp.97-112 (Collaboration) 2006/01
■ Book and thesis
1. Book Economic Development of China : Regional Interdependence and Economic Policy   (Single) 2001/03
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2016/07 Development and Challenge of the Japan-Korea-China International Input-Output Table (24th International Input-Output Conference)
■ Academic background
1. 1994/04~1998/03 〔Doctorial Course〕 Economics Theory, Graduate School of Economics, PhD course, Keio University, Completed, PhD(Economics)
2. 1992/04~1994/03 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Economics, Rissho University, Completed,