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Capability-Based Access Control Model for Fog Computing Model International Conference: NBiS-2023 pp.79-85 (共著) 2023/09 |
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Evaluation of the FTBFC Model for Energy-Efficient IoT International Conference: NBiS-2023 pp.62-70 (共著) 2023/09 |
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Reducing Electric Energy Consumption of Servers in Multi-version Timestamp Ordering Algorithm International Conference: NBiS-2023 pp.33-41 (共著) 2023/09 |
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An Energy-Aware Dynamic Algorithm for the FTBFC Model of the IoT International Conference: CISIS-2023 pp.38-47 (共著) 2023/07 |
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Energy-Saving Multi-version Timestamp Ordering Algorithm for Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: CISIS-2023 pp.13-20 (共著) 2023/07 |
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An Energy-Aware Algorithm for Changing Tree Structure and Process Migration in the Flexible Tree-Based Fog Computing Model International Conference: AINA-2023 2,pp.268-278 (共著) 2023/03 |
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Energy-Efficient Two Phase Locking (2PL) Protocol by Not Performing Meaningless Methods in Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: AINA-2023 1,pp.1-8 (共著) 2023/03 |
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Object Placement Algorithm with Information Flow Control in Fog Computing Model International Conference: AINA-2023 2,pp.258-267 (共著) 2023/03 |
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A Flexible Fog Computing (FTBFC) Model to Reduce Energy Consumption of the IoT International Conference: EIDWT-2023 pp.256-267 (共著) 2023/02 |
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Energy-Efficient Locking Protocol in Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: EODWT-2023 pp.248-255 (共著) 2023/02 |
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Load Balancing Algorithm for Information Flow Control in Fog Computing Model International Conference: EIDWT-2023 pp.275-283 (共著) 2023/02 |
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Energy-Consumption Evaluation of the Tree-Based Fog Computing (TBFC) Model International Conference: BWCCA-2022 pp.66-77 (共著) 2022/10 |
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Evaluation of the Information Flow Control in the Fog Computing Model International Conference: BWCCA-2022 pp.78-90 (共著) 2022/10 |
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Multi-Version Concurrency Control to Reduce the Electric Energy Consumption of Servers International Conference: BWCCA-2022 pp.180-191 (共著) 2022/10 |
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A Negotiation Protocol Among Servers for Virtual Machines to Migrate to Reduce the Energy Consumption International Conference: NBiS-2022 pp.1-12 (共著) 2022/09 |
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Energy-Efficient Multi-Version Concurrency Control (EEMVCC) for Object-Based Systems International Conference: NBiS-2022 pp.13-24 (共著) 2022/09 |
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Fog Computing Model for the Information Flow Control Internationa Conference: NBiS-2022 pp.25-34 (共著) 2022/09 |
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An energy-efficient quorum-based locking protocol by omitting meaningless methods on object replicas Journal of High Speed Networks 28(3),pp.181-203 (共著) 2022/07![Link](./image/link.png) |
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Autonomous Migration of Virtual Machines to Reduce Energy Consumption of Servers International Conference: IMIS-2022 pp.18-30 (共著) 2022/07 |
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Energy-Efficient Two-Phase Locking Protocol by Omitting Meaningless Read and Write Methods International Conference: CISIS-2022 pp.26-36 (共著) 2022/07 |
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Capability token selection algorithms to implement lightweight protocols Internet of Things 19,pp.100542 (共著) 2022/05![Link](./image/link.png) |
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An Energy Consumption Model of Servers to Make Virtual Machines Migrate International Conference: AINA-2022 pp.24-36 (共著) 2022/04 |
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Energy Consumption of the Information Flow Control in the IoT: Simulation Evaluation International Conference: AINA-2022 pp.285-296 (共著) 2022/04 |
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Energy-Efficient Concurrency Control by Omitting Meaningless Write Methods in Object-Based Systems International Conference: AINA-2022 pp.129-139 (共著) 2022/04 |
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A Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol for Realizing the Blockchain International Conference: EIDWT-2022 pp.406-416 (共著) 2022/03 |
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An Energy-Efficient Algorithm to Make Virtual Machines Migrate in a Server Cluster International Conference: EIDWT-2022 pp.130-141 (共著) 2022/03 |
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An Energy-Efficient Process Replication to Reduce the Execution of Meaningless Replicas International Conference: EIDWT-2022 pp.395-405 (共著) 2022/03 |
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Energy Consumption Model of a Device Supporting Information Flow Control in the IoT International Conference: EIDWT-2022 pp.142-152 (共著) 2022/03 |
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An Energy-Efficient Algorithm to Make Virtual Machines Migrate in a Server Cluster International Conference: BWCCA-2021 pp.24-36 (共著) 2021/10 |
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An Energy-Efficient Process Replication by Differentiating Starting Time of Process Replicas in Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: BWCCA-2021 pp.57-66 (共著) 2021/10 |
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Traffic Reduction for Information Flow Control in the IoT Internationa Conference: BWCCA-2021 pp.67-77 (共著) 2021/10 |
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A Capability Token Selection Algorithm for Lightweight Information Flow Control in the IoT Internationa Conference: NBiS-2021 pp.23-34 (共著) 2021/09 |
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A Monotonically Increasing (MI) Algorithm to Estimate Energy Consumption and Execution Time of Processes on a Server. Internationa Conference: NBiS-2021 pp.1-12 (共著) 2021/09 |
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The Improved Redundant Active Time-Based Algorithm with Forcing Termination of Meaningless Replicas in Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: NBiS-2021 pp.50-58 (共著) 2021/09 |
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The Redundant Active Time-Based Algorithm with Forcing Meaningless Replica to Terminate International Conference: CISIS-2021 pp.206-213 (共著) 2021/07 |
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Probability and topic-based data transmission protocol Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 33(19) (共著) 2021/06![Link](./image/link.png) |
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Design and Implementation of the TBOI (Time-Based Operation Interruption) Protocol to Prevent Late Information Flow in the IoT International Conference: AINA-2021 pp.125-135 (共著) 2021/05 |
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The Improved Redundant Active Time-Based (IRATB) Algorithm for Process Replication International Conference: AINA-2021 pp.172-180 (共著) 2021/05 |
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Implementation and evaluation of the information flow control for the Internet of Things Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 33(19) (共著) 2021/04![Link](./image/link.png) |
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An Algorithm to Select an Energy-Efficient Server for an Application Process in a Cluster International Conference: EIDWT-2021 pp.82-92 (共著) 2021/02 |
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An Energy-Efficient Migration Algorithm for Virtual Machines to Reduce the Number of Migrations International Conference: EIDWT-2021 pp.58-70 (共著) 2021/02 |
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Design and Implementing of the Dynamic Tree-Based Fog Computing (DTBFC) Model to Realize the Energy-Efficient IoT International Conference: EIDWT-2021 pp.71-81 (共著) 2021/02 |
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Implementation of a Device Adopting the OI (Operation Interruption) Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in the IoT International Conference: EIDWT-2021 pp.168 (共著) 2021/02 |
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Realistic Topic-Based Data Transmission Protocol in a Mobile Fog Computing Model International Conference: EIDWT-2021 pp.122-133 (共著) 2021/02 |
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The Improved Active Time-Based (IATB) Algorithm with Multi-threads Allocation International Conference: EIDWT-2021 pp.134-142 (共著) 2021/02 |
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A Dynamic Tree-Based Fog Computing (DTBFC) Model for the Energy-Efficient IoT International Conference: BWCCA-2020 pp.330-340 (共著) 2020/10 |
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An Algorithm to Select a Server to Minimize the Total Energy Consumption of a Cluster International Conference: 3PGCIC-2020 pp.18-28 (共著) 2020/10 |
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An Energy-Efficient Algorithm for Virtual Machines to Migrate Considering Migration Time International Conference: BWCCA-2020 pp.341-354 (共著) 2020/10 |
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Epidemic and Topic-Based Data Transmission Protocol in a Mobile Fog Computing Model International Conference: BWCCA-2020 pp.34-43 (共著) 2020/10 |
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Fault-Tolerant Strategies in the Tree-Based Fog Computing Model International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 11(4),pp.72-91 (共著) 2020/10 |
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Multi-source and Multi-target Node Selection in Energy-Efficient Fog Computing Model International Conference: BWCCA-2020 pp.22-23 (共著) 2020/10 |
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Possible Energy Consumption of Messages in an Opportunistic Network International Conference: 3PGCIC-2020 pp.51-61 (共著) 2020/10 |
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The Energy-Efficient Object Replication by Excluding Meaningless Methods in Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: BWCCA-2020 pp.44-54 (共著) 2020/10 |
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A Dynamic Network-Based Fog Computing Model for Energy-Efficient IoT International Conference: NBiS-2020 pp.94-104 (共著) 2020/08 |
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An Algorithm to Select an Energy-Efficient Sever for an Application Process in a Cluster of Servers International Conference: INCoS-2020 pp.101-111 (共著) 2020/08 |
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An Opportunistic Communication Protocol to Reduce Energy Consumption of Nodes International Conference: NBiS-2020 pp.320-326 (共著) 2020/08 |
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Energy-Efficient Migration of Virtual Machines International Conference: NBiS-2020 pp.309-319 (共著) 2020/08 |
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The Energy-Efficient Object Replication Scheme by Omitting Meaningless Write Methods in Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: NBiS-2020 pp.54-63 (共著) 2020/08 |
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Topic-Based Processing Protocol in a Mobile Fog Computing Model International Conference: NBiS-2020 pp.43-53 (共著) 2020/08 |
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A Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe System in a Fog Computing Model for the IoT International Conference: CISIS-2020 pp.12-21 (共著) 2020/07 |
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An Energy-Based Algorithm for Detecting Implicitly Faulty Replicas of a Process International Conference: CISIS-2020 pp.288-299 (共著) 2020/07 |
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Energy-Efficient Quorum-Based Locking Protocol in Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: CISIS-2020 pp.22-30 (共著) 2020/07 |
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Software-Oriented Routing Protocol for Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications International Conference: CISIS-2020 pp.1-11 (共著) 2020/07 |
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Time-based legality of information flow in the capability-based access control model for the Internet of Things Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 33(23) (共著) 2020/07![Link](./image/link.png) |
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Distributed Approach to Fog Computing with Auction Method International Conference: AINA-2020 pp.268-275 (共著) 2020/04 |
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Information flow control in object-based peer-to-peer publish/subscribe systems Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 32(8) (共著) 2020/04 |
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Mobile Fog Computing Model of a Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe System International Conference: AINA-2020 pp.250-257 (共著) 2020/04 |
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The Power Consumption Model of a Server to Perform Data Access Application Processes in Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: AINA-2020 pp.184-192 (共著) 2020/04 |
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The Redundant Energy Consumption Laxity Based Algorithm to Perform Computation Processes for IoT Services Internet of Things 9(100165),pp.1-14 (共著) 2020/03 |
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A Dynamic Tree-Based Fog Computing (DTBFC) Model for the Energy-Efficient IoT International Conference: EIDWT-2020 pp.24-34 (共著) 2020/02 |
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A Software-Oriented Approach to Energy-Efficiently Unicasting Messages in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks International Conference: EIDWT-2020 pp.150-157 (共著) 2020/02 |
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Evaluation of a TBOI (Time-Based Operation Interruption) Protocol to Prevent Late Information Flow in the IoT International Conference: EIDWT-2020 pp.12-23 (共著) 2020/02 |
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Evaluation of Parallel Data Transmission in the Mobile Fog Computing Model International Conference: EIDWT-2020 pp.158-170 (共著) 2020/02 |
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Subtree-Based Fog Computing in the TWTBFC Model International Conference: EIDWT-2020 pp.46-52 (共著) 2020/02 |
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The Improved Redundant Energy Consumption Laxity-Based Algorithm with Differentiating Starting Time of Process Replicas International Conference: EIDWT-2020 pp.181-188 (共著) 2020/02 |
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Topic-Based Subgroups for Reducing Messages Exchanged Among Subgroups International Conference: EIDWT-2020 pp.35-45 (共著) 2020/02 |
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A topic-based synchronisation protocol in peer-to-peer publish/subscribe systems International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 24(1),pp.106-121 (共著) 2020 |
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Information Flow Control Based on the CapBAC (Capability-Based Access Control) Model in the IoT International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC) 10(4),pp.13-25 (共著) 2019/12 |
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A Nodes Selection Algorithm for Fault Recovery in the GTBFC Model International Conference: BWCCA-2019 pp.81-92 (共著) 2019/11 |
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A TBOI (Time-Based Operation Interruption) Protocol to Prevent Late Information Flow in the IoT International Conference: BWCCA-2019 pp.93-104 (共著) 2019/11 |
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Algorithm for Detecting Implicitly Faulty Replicas Based on the Power Consumption Model International Conference: BWCCA-2019 pp.483-493 (共著) 2019/11 |
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Data Exchange Algorithm at Aggregate Level in the TWTBFC Model International Conference: BWCCA-2019 pp.114-124 (共著) 2019/11 |
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Energy-Efficient Purpose Ordering Scheduler International Conference: BWCCA-2019 pp.137-149 (共著) 2019/11 |
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Parallel Data Transmission Protocols in the Mobile Fog Computing Model International Conference: BWCCA-2019 pp.494-503 (共著) 2019/11 |
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The Group-Based Linear Time Causally Ordering Protocol in a Scalable P2PPS System International Conference: BWCCA-2019 pp.471-482 (共著) 2019/11 |
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A Hierarchical Group of Peers in Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: INCoS-2019 pp.3-13 (共著) 2019/09 |
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A Model for Mobile Fog Computing in the IoT International Conference: NBiS-2019 pp.447-458 (共著) 2019/09 |
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An Energy-Efficient Process Replication Algorithm with Multi-threads Allocation International Conference: NBiS-2019 pp.120-131 (共著) 2019/09 |
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Data and Subprocess Transmission on the Edge Node of TWTBFC Model International Conference: INCoS-2019 pp.80-90 (共著) 2019/09 |
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Evaluation of an OI (Operation Interruption) Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in the IoT International Conference: NBiS-2019 pp.3-14 (共著) 2019/09 |
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Evaluation of Data and Subprocess Transmission Strategies in the Tree-Based Fog Computing Model International Conference: NBiS-2019 pp.15-26 (共著) 2019/09 |
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Fault Detection of Process Replicas on Reliable Servers International Conference: NBiS-2019 pp.423-433 (共著) 2019/09 |
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Protocol to efficiently prevent illegal flow of objects in P2P type of publish/subscribe (PS) systems Service Oriented Computing and Applications 13,pp.323-332 (共著) 2019/09 |
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Causally ordering delivery of event messages in P2PPSO systems Cognitive Systems Research 56,pp.167-178 (共著) 2019/08 |
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A fault-tolerant tree-based fog computing model International Journal of Web and Grid Services 15(3),pp.219-239 (共著) 2019/07 |
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Capability-Based Information Flow Control Model in the IoT International Conference: IMIS-2019 pp.63-71 (共著) 2019/07 |
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Evaluation of a Two-Way Tree-Based Fog Computing (TWTBFC) Model International Conference: IMIS-2019 pp.72-81 (共著) 2019/07 |
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Message Ordering Based on the Object-Based-Causally (OBC) Precedent Relation International Conference: CISIS-2019 pp.62-72 (共著) 2019/07 |
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Subprocess Transmission Strategies for Recovering from Faults in the Tree-Based Fog Computing (TBFC) Model International Conference: CISIS-2019 pp.50-61 (共著) 2019/07 |
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The energy consumption laxity-based algorithm to perform computation processes in virtual machine environments International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 10(5),pp.545-555 (共著) 2019/07 |
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The Improved Energy Consumption Laxity Based (IECLB) Algorithm to Perform Computation Processes International Conference: IMIS-2019 pp.94-105 (共著) 2019/07 |
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A Model of Virtual Machines to Support Storage Processes International Conference: AINA Workshops 2019 pp.57-66 (共著) 2019/03 |
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A Two-Way Flow Model for Fog Computing International Conference: AINA Workshops 2019 pp.612-620 (共著) 2019/03 |
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Efficient Information Flow Control by Reducing Meaningless Messages in P2PPSO Systems International Conference: AINA-2019 pp.108-119 (共著) 2019/03 |
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Energy-Efficient Group Migration of Virtual Machines in a Cluster International Conference: AINA-2019 pp.144-155 (共著) 2019/03 |
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Energy-Efficient Recovery Algorithm in the Fault-Tolerant Tree-Based Fog Computing (FTBFC) Model International Conference: AINA-2019 pp.132-143 (共著) 2019/03 |
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Evaluation of TBC and OBC Precedent Relations Among Messages in P2P Type of Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe System International Conference: AINA Workshops 2019 pp.570-581 (共著) 2019/03 |
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The Improved Energy-Efficient Quorum Selection with Excluding Meaningless Methods International Conference: AINA-2019 pp.225-237 (共著) 2019/03 |
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Evaluation of a Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow Based on Maximal Roles in the RBAC Model International Conference: EIDWT-2019 pp.80-91 (共著) 2019/02 |
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Implementation of Fog Nodes in the Tree-Based Fog Computing (TBFC) Model of the IoT International Conference: EIDWT-2019 pp.92-102 (共著) 2019/02 |
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A Flexible Synchronization Protocol to Learn Hidden Topics in P2PPS Systems Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXIII pp.52-70 (共著) 2019/01 |
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Static and Dynamic Group Migration Algorithms of Virtual Machines to Reduce Energy Consumption of a Server Cluster Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXIII pp.144-166 (共著) 2019/01 |
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A Flexible Read-Write Abortion Protocol with Role Safety Concept to Prevent Illegal Information Flow Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC) 9(5),pp.1415-1425 (共著) 2018/10 |
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A Synchronization Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow Based on Maximal Roles in the Role-Based Access Control Model International Conference: BWCCA-2018 pp.525-533 (共著) 2018/10 |
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A Virtual Machine Migration for Storage Processes International Conference: BWCCA-2018 pp.751-758 (共著) 2018/10 |
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Evaluation of Object-Based Information Flow Control in P2PPS Systems International Conference: BWCCA-2018 pp.125-134 (共著) 2018/10 |
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Fault-Tolerant Fog Computing Models in the IoT International Conference: 3PGCIC-2018 pp.14-25 (共著) 2018/10 |
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Group Migration of Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Conference: BWCCA-2018 pp.168-180 (共著) 2018/10 |
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Object-Based Selective Delivery of Event Messages in Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: BWCCA-2018 pp.444-455 (共著) 2018/10 |
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The Improved Transmission Energy Consumption Laxity-Based Algorithm with Parallel Data Transmission International Conference: BWCCA-2018 pp.181-192 (共著) 2018/10 |
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A Causally Precedent Relation Among Messages in Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: NBiS-2018 pp.543-553 (共著) 2018/09 |
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An Energy-Efficient Dynamic Live Migration of Multiple Virtual Machines International Conference: NBiS-2018 pp.87-98 (共著) 2018/09 |
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An energy-efficient model for fog computing in the Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of Things 1-2,pp.14-26 (共著) 2018/09 |
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Evaluation of an Energy-Efficient Tree-Based Model of Fog Computing International Conference: NBiS-2018 pp.99-109 (共著) 2018/09 |
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Object-Based Information Flow Control Model in P2PPS Systems International Conference: NBiS-2018 pp.110-121 (共著) 2018/09 |
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The Improved Transmission Energy Consumption Laxity Based (ITECLB) Algorithm for Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: NBiS-2018 pp.156-167 (共著) 2018/09 |
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A Tree-Based Model of Energy-Efficient Fog Computing Systems in IoT International Conference: CISIS-2018 pp.991-1001 (共著) 2018/07 |
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An Eco IDMMV Migration Algorithm of Dynamic Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Conference: CISIS-2018 pp.115-126 (共著) 2018/07 |
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Energy-Efficient Process Replication by Forcing Meaningless Replicas to Terminate in Virtual Machine Environment International Conference: CISIS-2018 pp.149-160 (共著) 2018/07 |
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Evaluation of a Protocol to Prevent Malicious Information Flow in P2PPS Systems International Conference: CISIS-2018 pp.102-114 (共著) 2018/07 |
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One-to-One Routing Protocols for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Considering the Electric Energy Consumption International Conference: IMIS-2018 pp.105-115 (共著) 2018/07 |
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Virtual Machine Migration Algorithms to Reduce Electric Energy Consumption of a Server Cluster International Conference: IMIS-2018 pp.116-127 (共著) 2018/07 |
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An Information Flow Control Model in a Topic-based Publish/Subscribe System Journal of High Speed Networks 24(3),pp.243-257 (共著) 2018/06 |
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Energy Consumption Laxity-Based Quorum Selection for Distributed Object-Based Systems Journal of Evolutionary Intelligence 13(1),pp.71-82 (共著) 2018/06 |
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A Protocol to Prevent Malicious Information Flow in P2PPS Systems International Conference: AINA-2018 pp.24-31 (共著) 2018/05 |
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A Simple Algorithm to Select Energy-Efficient Servers for Storage and Computation Processes International Workshop: WAINA-2018 pp.293-300 (共著) 2018/05 |
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An Eco Migration Algorithm of Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Conference: AINA-2018 pp.189-196 (共著) 2018/05 |
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An Energy-Efficient Model of Fog and Device Nodes in IoT International Workshop: WAINA-2018 pp.301-306 (共著) 2018/05 |
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An Energy-Efficient Process Replication Algorithm Based on the Active Time of Cores International Conference: AINA-2018 pp.165-172 (共著) 2018/05 |
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Simple Models of Processes Migration with Virtual Machines in a Cluster of Servers International Conference: AINA-2018 pp.197-204 (共著) 2018/05 |
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Unicast Routing Protocols to Reduce Electric Energy Consumption in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks International Workshop: WAINA-2018 pp.533-538 (共著) 2018/05 |
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Eco Migration Algorithms of Processes with Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Conference: EIDWT-2018 pp.130-141 (共著) 2018/03 |
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Improved Energy-Efficient Quorum Selection Algorithm by Omitting Meaningless Methods International Conference: EIDWT-2018 pp.171-182 (共著) 2018/03 |
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Malicious Information Flow in P2PPS Systems International Conference: EIDWT-2018 pp.119-129 (共著) 2018/03 |
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Dynamic migration of virtual machines to reduce energy consumption in a cluster International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 9(4),pp.357-366 (共著) 2018/01 |
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Simple Algorithms for Selecting an Energy-Efficient Server in a Cluster of Servers International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS) 21(1),pp.1-25 (共著) 2018/01 |
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A dynamic model for energy-efficiently migrating a group of virtual machines from a host server to a guest server International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing 8(3),pp.138-150 (共著) 2018 |
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A Flexible Synchronization Protocol for Hidden Topics to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in P2PPS Systems International Conference: BWCCA-2017 pp.138-148 (共著) 2017/11 |
149. |
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A Low-Energy Unicast Ad-Hoc Routing Protocol in Wireless Networks International Conference: BWCCA-2017 pp.173-184 (共著) 2017/11 |
150. |
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A Simple Migration Algorithm of Virtual Machine in a Server Cluster International Conference: BWCCA-2017 pp.149-160 (共著) 2017/11 |
151. |
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An Energy Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm Based on the Active Time of Cores International Conference: BWCCA-2017 pp.185-196 (共著) 2017/11 |
152. |
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Energy-Aware Dynamic Migration of Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Conference: BWCCA-2017 pp.161-172 (共著) 2017/11 |
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Hybrid Replication Schemes of Processes for Fault-Tolerance Systems in Energy-Efficient Server Clusters International Conference: BWCCA-2017 pp.597-607 (共著) 2017/11 |
154. |
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A Simple Energy-Aware Virtual Machine Migration Algorithm in a Server Cluster International Conference: NBiS-2017 pp.55-65 (共著) 2017/08 |
155. |
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An Eco Algorithm for Dynamic Migration of Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Conference: NBiS-2017 pp.42-54 (共著) 2017/08 |
156. |
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An Energy-Aware One-to-one Routing Protocol in Wireless Ad-Hoc Network International Conference: NBiS-2017 pp.102-113 (共著) 2017/08 |
157. |
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Energy-Efficient Role Ordering Scheduler International Conference: NBiS-2017 pp.78-90 (共著) 2017/08 |
158. |
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Evaluation of Flexible Synchronization Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in P2PPS Systems International Conference: NBiS-2017 pp.66-77 (共著) 2017/08 |
159. |
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Hybrid Replication Schemes of Processes in Energy-Efficient Server Clusters International Conference: NBiS-2017 pp.699-710 (共著) 2017/08 |
160. |
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An Energy-Efficient Migration Algorithm of Virtual Machines in Server Clusters International Conference: CISIS-2017 pp.94-105 (共著) 2017/07 |
161. |
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Energy-Aware Dynamic Migration of Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Conference: CISIS-2017 pp.70-81 (共著) 2017/07 |
162. |
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Energy-Efficient Quorum Selection Algorithm for Distributed Object-Based Systems International Conference: CISIS-2017 pp.31-42 (共著) 2017/07 |
163. |
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Flexible Synchronization Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in Peer-to-Peer Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: CISIS-2017 pp.82-93 (共著) 2017/07 |
164. |
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Simple Energy-Aware Algorithms to Selecting a Server for Storage and Computation Processes in a Cluster International Conference: IMIS-2017 pp.98-109 (共著) 2017/07 |
165. |
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Algorithms to Energy-Efficiently Select a Server for a General Process in a Scalable Cluster International Workshop: WAINA-2017 pp.138-145 (共著) 2017/03 |
166. |
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An Eco Migration of Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Conference: AINA-2017 pp.1098-1105 (共著) 2017/03 |
167. |
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Differentiating the Starting Time of Computation Process Replicas in the Improved Redundant Delay Time-Based (IRDTB) Algorithm International Conference: AINA-2017 pp.99-106 (共著) 2017/03 |
168. |
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Energy-Aware Virtual Machine Migration Models in a Scalable Cluster of Servers International Workshop: WAINA-2017 pp.85-92 (共著) 2017/03 |
169. |
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Evaluation of Protocols to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in Peer-to-Peer Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: AINA-2017 pp.631-638 (共著) 2017/03 |
170. |
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Simple Energy-Aware Algorithms for Selecting a Server in a Scalable Cluster International Workshop: WAINA-2017 pp.146-153 (共著) 2017/03 |
171. |
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Topic-Based Selective Delivery of Event Messages in Peer-to-Peer Model of Publish/Subscribe Systems in Heterogeneous Networks International Workshop: WAINA-2017 pp.327-334 (共著) 2017/03 |
172. |
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A Simply Energy-efficient Migration Algorithm of Processes with Virtual Machines in Server Clusters Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA) 8(2),pp.1-18 (共著) 2017 |
173. |
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An Energy-Aware Algorithm to Migrate Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing (IJSSC) 7(1),pp.32-42 (共著) 2017 |
174. |
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An Energy-Aware Load Balancing Algorithm to Perform Computation Type Application Processes in a Cluster of Servers International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS) 13(2),pp.145-169 (共著) 2017 |
175. |
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Multi-level Power Consumption Model and Energy-Aware Server Selection Algorithm International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC) 8(3),pp.201-210 (共著) 2017 |
176. |
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Sensitivity-Based Synchronisation Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow Among Objects International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS) 13(3),pp.315-333 (共著) 2017 |
177. |
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An Energy-efficient Migration Model of Processes with Virtual Machines in a Server Cluster International Conference: BWCCA-2016 pp.33-44 (共著) 2016/11 |
178. |
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An Energy-Efficient Process Replication Algorithm in Virtual Machine Environments International Conference: BWCCA-2016 pp.105-114 (共著) 2016/11 |
179. |
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Energy-aware Migration of Virtual Machines in a Cluster International Conference: BWCCA-2016 pp.21-32 (共著) 2016/11 |
180. |
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Energy-aware Server Selection Algorithms for Storage and Computation Processes pp.45-56 (共著) 2016/11 |
181. |
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Simple Energy-Efficient Server Selection Algorithm in a Scalable Cluster, International Conference: BWCCA-2016 pp.537-584 (共著) 2016/11 |
182. |
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Topic-based Synchronization (TBS) Protocols to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in Peer-to-Peer Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: BWCCA-2016 pp.57-68 (共著) 2016/11 |
183. |
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A Model for Energy-Aware Migration of Virtual Machines International Conference: NBiS-2016 pp.50-57 (共著) 2016/09 |
184. |
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An Eco Model of Process Migration with Virtual Machines International Conference: NBiS-2016 pp.292-297 (共著) 2016/09 |
185. |
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Multi-level Power Consumption and Computation Models and Energy-Efficient Server Selection Algorithms in a Scalable Cluster International Conference: NBiS-2016 pp.210-217 (共著) 2016/09 |
186. |
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Selection Algorithms to Select Energy-Efficient Servers for Storage and Computation Processes International Conference: NBiS-2016 pp.218-225 (共著) 2016/09 |
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Subscription Initialization (SI) Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in Peer-to-Peer Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: NBiS-2016 pp.42-49 (共著) 2016/09 |
188. |
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The Improved Redundant Delay Time-Based (IRDTB) Algorithm to Perform Computation Type Application Processes in Heterogeneous Server Clusters International Conference: NBiS-2016 pp.231-238 (共著) 2016/09 |
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Topic-Based Causally Ordered Delivery of Event Messages in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Model of Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: NBiS-2016 pp.348-354 (共著) 2016/09 |
190. |
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A Model for Migration of Virtual Machines to Reduce Electric Energy Consumption International Conference: CISIS-2016 pp.159-166 (共著) 2016/07 |
191. |
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Design and Evaluation of Algorithms to Energy-Efficiently Select Servers for Storage and Computation Processes International Conference: IMIS-2016 pp.162-169 (共著) 2016/07 |
192. |
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Energy-Aware Algorithms to Select Servers in Scalable Clusters International Conference: CISIS-2016 pp.308-315 (共著) 2016/07 |
193. |
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Information Flow Control Models in Peer-to-Peer Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: CISIS-2016 pp.167-174 (共著) 2016/07 |
194. |
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Scalable Group Communication Protocols in the Peer-to-Peer Model of Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems International Conference: CISIS-2016 pp.142-149 (共著) 2016/07 |
195. |
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The Extended Power Consumption Model to Perform Computation Type Application Processes on Virtual Machines International Conference: CISIS-2016 pp.15-22 (共著) 2016/07 |
196. |
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A Scalable Group Communication Protocol in Heterogeneous Networks. AINA Workshops 2016 pp.294-299 (共著) 2016/03 |
197. |
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An Energy-Aware Migration of Virtual Machines. AINA 2016 pp.557-564 (共著) 2016/03 |
198. |
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An Energy-Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm for Virtual Machine Environments to Perform Communication Type Application Processes. AINA 2016 pp.392-399 (共著) 2016/03 |
199. |
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Energy-Aware Clusters of Servers for Storage and Computation Applications. AINA 2016 pp.400-407 (共著) 2016/03 |
200. |
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Energy-Aware Server Selection Algorithms in a Scalable Cluster. AINA 2016 pp.565-572 (共著) 2016/03 |
201. |
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Influential Abortion Probability in a Flexible Read-Write Abortion Protocol. AINA 2016 pp.1-8 (共著) 2016/03 |
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Protocols for Energy-Efficiently Broadcasting Messages in Wireless Networks. Workshops 2016 pp.286-293 (共著) 2016/03 |
203. |
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Reduction of Unnecessarily Ordered Event Messages in Peer-to-Peer Model of Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems. AINA 2016 pp.1160-1167 (共著) 2016/03 |
204. |
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A read-write abortion protocol to prevent illegal information flow in role-based access control systems. International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing (IJSSC) 6(1),pp.43-53 (共著) 2016 |
205. |
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A Flexible Read-Write Abortion Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow among Objects. Journal of Mobile Multimedia 11(3&4),pp.263-280 (共著) 2015/11 |
206. |
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An extended improved redundant power consumption laxity-based (EIRPCLB) algorithm for energy efficient server cluster systems. World Wide Web 18(6),pp.1603-1629 (共著) 2015/11 |
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Energy-Aware Migration and Replication of Processes in a Cluster. BWCCA 2015 283-287頁 (共著) 2015/11 |
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Energy-Efficient Virtualisation of Threads in a Server Cluster. BWCCA 2015 pp.288-295 (共著) 2015/11 |
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Power Consumption and Computation Models of a Storage Server. BWCCA 2015 pp.472-477 (共著) 2015/11 |
210. |
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Power Consumption Model of a Server to Perform Communication Type Application Processes on Virtual Machines. BWCCA 2015 pp.275-282 (共著) 2015/11 |
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Role Safety in a Flexible Read-Write Abortion Protocol. BWCCA 2015 pp.333-340 (共著) 2015/11 |
212. |
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A Flexible Read-Write Abortion Protocol with Sensitivity of Roles. NBiS 2015 pp.132-139 (共著) 2015/09 |
213. |
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An Energy-Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm to Perform Computation Type Application Processes for Virtual Machine Environments. NBiS 2015 pp.32-39 (共著) 2015/09 |
214. |
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Eco Models of Storage-Based Severs. NBiS 2015 pp.407-411 (共著) 2015/09 |
215. |
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Energy-Efficient Broadcast Protocols in Wireless Network. NBiS 2015 pp.357-364 (共著) 2015/09 |
216. |
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Multi-level Computation and Power Consumption Models. NBiS 2015 pp.40-47 (共著) 2015/09 |
217. |
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Reduction of Unnecessarily Ordered Messages in Scalable Group Communication. NBiS 2015 pp.99-106 (共著) 2015/09 |
218. |
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Selective Delivery of Event Messages in Peer-to-Peer Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems. NBiS 2015 pp.379-386 (共著) 2015/09 |
219. |
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Trustworthiness in Peer-to-Peer Systems. NBiS 2015 pp.652-657 (共著) 2015/09 |
220. |
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A Flexible Read-Write Abortion Protocol with Sensitivity of Objects to Prevent Illegal Information Flow. CISIS 2015 pp.289-296 (共著) 2015/07 |
221. |
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Energy-Efficient Replication and Migration of Processes in a Cluster. CISIS 2015 pp.118-125 (共著) 2015/07 |
222. |
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Evaluation of Energy-Aware Server Selection Algorithms. CISIS 2015 pp.318-325 (共著) 2015/07 |
223. |
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Power Consumption and Computation Models of Virtual Machines to Perform Computation Type Application Processes. CISIS 2015 pp.126-133 (共著) 2015/07 |
224. |
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Synchronization of Peers in Peer-to-Peer Publish/Subscribe Systems. IMIS 2015 pp.252-259 (共著) 2015/07 |
225. |
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Trustworthiness-Based Broadcast Protocols in Wireless Networks. IMIS 2015 pp.125-132 (共著) 2015/07 |
226. |
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Energy-efficient dynamic clusters of servers. The Journal of Supercomputing 71(5),pp.1642-1656 (共著) 2015/05 |
227. |
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A Flexible Read-Write Abortion Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information Flow. AINA 2015 pp.155-162 (共著) 2015/03 |
228. |
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Asynchronous Migration of Process Replicas in a Cluster. AINA 2015 pp.271-278 (共著) 2015/03 |
229. |
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Broadcast Protocols in Wireless Networks. AINA Workshops 2015 pp.272-277 (共著) 2015/03 |
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Causally Ordered Delivery of Event Messages with Keyword Vectors in P2P Publish/Subscribe Systems. AINA 2015 pp.534-541 (共著) 2015/03 |
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Energy-Efficient Delay Time-Based Process Allocation Algorithm for Heterogeneous Server Clusters. AINA 2015 pp.279-286 (共著) 2015/03 |
232. |
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Power Consumption and Computation Models of a Server with a Multi-core CPU and Experiments. AINA Workshops 2015 pp.217-222 (共著) 2015/03 |
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An energy-efficient process migration approach to reducing electric energy consumption in a cluster of servers. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS) 15(4),pp.400-420 (共著) 2015 |
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The delay time-based server selection algorithm for energy-efficient redundant execution of processes. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS) 15(4),pp.366-385 (共著) 2015 |
235. |
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A P2P Model of Publish/Subscribe Systems. BWCCA 2014 pp.383-388 (共著) 2014/11 |
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A Process Migration Approach to Energy-Efficient Computation in a Cluster of Servers. BWCCA 2014 pp.191-198 (共著) 2014/11 |
237. |
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The Redundant Delay Time-Based (RDTB) Algorithm for Fault Tolerant Server Clusters. BWCCA 2014 pp.169-176 (共著) 2014/11 |
238. |
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Energy-Efficient Redundant Execution of Processes in a Fault-Tolerant Cluster of Servers. International Journal of Parallel Programming 42(5),pp.798-819 (共著) 2014/10 |
239. |
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Causal Order of Application Events is P2P Publish/Subscribe Systems. NBiS 2014 pp.444-449 (共著) 2014/09 |
240. |
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Energy-Efficient Server Clusters to Perform Communication Type Application Processes. The Journal of Supercomputing 69(3),pp.1087-1102 (共著) 2014/09 |
241. |
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Power Consumption Models for Migrating Processes in a Server Cluster. NBiS 2014 pp.15-22 (共著) 2014/09 |
242. |
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Read-Write Abortion (RWA) Based Synchronization Protocols to Prevent Illegal Information Flow. NBiS 2014 pp.120-127 (共著) 2014/09 |
243. |
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The Improved Delay Time-Based (IDTB) Algorithm to Perform Computation Type Application Processes. NBiS 2014 pp.31-38 (共著) 2014/09 |
244. |
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Trustworthiness-Based Group Communication Protocols. NBiS 2014 pp.490-494 (共著) 2014/09 |
245. |
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Power Consumption Models for Redundantly Performing Mobile-Agents. CISIS 2014 pp.185-190 (共著) 2014/07 |
246. |
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Situation-Aware Group Communication Protocols. CISIS 2014 pp.415-420 (共著) 2014/07 |
247. |
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Synchronization Protocols to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in Role-Based Access Control Systems. CISIS 2014 pp.279-286 (共著) 2014/07 |
248. |
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The Delay Time-Based (DTB) Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Server Cluster Systems. pp.294-301 (共著) 2014/07 |
249. |
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An Extended Simple Power Consumption Model for Selecting a Server to Perform Computation Type Processes in Digital Ecosystems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10(2),pp.1627-1636 (共著) 2014/05 |
250. |
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Energy-Aware Replication Models of Mobile Agents. AINA 2014 pp.1132-1139 (共著) 2014/05 |
251. |
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Evaluation of the Extended Improved Redundant Power Consumption Laxity-Based (EIRPCLB) Algorithm. AINA 2014 pp.940-947 (共著) 2014/05 |
252. |
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Role-Based Information Flow Control Models. AINA 2014 pp.1140-1147 (共著) 2014/05 |
253. |
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Design and evaluation of a quorum-based synchronisation protocol of multimedia replicas. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC) 17(2/3),pp.100-109 (共著) 2014 |
254. |
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Energy-efficient Passive Replication of a Process in Mobile Environment. MoMM 2013 pp.416-416 (共著) 2013/12 |
255. |
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Quorum-based synchronization protocols for multimedia replicas. Cluster Computing 16(4),pp.979-988 (共著) 2013/12 |
256. |
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Energy-Aware Passive Replication of Processes. J. Journal of Mobile Multimedia 9(1&2),pp.53-65 (共著) 2013/11 |
257. |
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Differentiating the Starting Time of Processes in Energy-Efficient Redundant Execution Algorithm. BWCCA 2013 pp.336-343 (共著) 2013/10 |
258. |
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Energy-Efficient Dynamic Clusters of Servers. : 253-260 BWCCA 2013 pp.253-260 (共著) 2013/10 |
259. |
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Group Communication Protocols Based on Hybrid Types of Logical and Physical Clocks. BWCCA 2013 pp.494-499 (共著) 2013/10 |
260. |
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The Evaluation of The Extended Transmission Power Consumption (ETPC) Model to Perform Communication Type Processes Computing 95(10-11),pp.1019-1037 (共著) 2013/10 |
261. |
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Dynamic Clusters of Servers for Reducing Electric Power in P2P Overlay Networks. NBiS 2013 pp.149-155 (共著) 2013/09 |
262. |
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Experimentation of Group Communication Protocols. NBiS 2013 pp.476-481 (共著) 2013/09 |
263. |
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Power consumption and processing models of servers in computation and storage based applications. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 58(5-6),pp.1475-1488 (共著) 2013/09 |
264. |
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Redundant Execution Algorithm for Reducing Total Power Consumption of Server Clusters by Differentiating the Starting Time of Processes. NBiS 2013 pp.9-16 (共著) 2013/09 |
265. |
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A Scalable Group Communication Protocol on P2P Overlay Networks. CISIS 2013 pp.428-433 (共著) 2013/07 |
266. |
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Dynamic Clusters of Servers to Reduce Total Power Consumption. CISIS 2013 pp.83-90 (共著) 2013/07 |
267. |
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Reduction of Processing Overhead to Synchronize Multmedia Replicas. CISIS 2013 pp.412-417 (共著) 2013/07 |
268. |
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The Evaluation of the Improved Redundant Power Consumption Laxity-Based (IRPCLB) Algorithm in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Clusters. CISIS 2013 pp.91-98 (共著) 2013/07 |
269. |
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The Evaluation of the Transmission Power Consumption Laxity-Based (TPCLB) Algorithm. pp.477-483 (共著) 2013/05 |
270. |
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A Dynamic Energy-Aware Server Selection Algorithm. AINA 2013 pp.17-24 (共著) 2013/03 |
271. |
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An Energy-Efficient Redundant Execution Algorithm by Terminating Meaningless Redundant Processes. AINA 2013 pp.1-8 (共著) 2013/03 |
272. |
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An Extended Multimedia Quorum-based Synchronization Protocol. AINA 2013 pp.653-660 (共著) 2013/03 |
273. |
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Group Communication Protocols for Scalable Groups of Peers. AINA Workshops 2013 pp.1027-1032 (共著) 2013/03 |
274. |
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An Integrated Power Consumption Model for Distributed Systems IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60(2),pp.824-836 (共著) 2013/02 |
275. |
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Evaluation of multimedia quorum-based synchronization protocols. MoMM 2012 pp.128-135 (共著) 2012/12 |
276. |
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A Redundant Power Consumption Laxity-Based (RPCLB) Algorithm for Computation Type Applications. BWCCA 2012 pp.562-567 (共著) 2012/11 |
277. |
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Evaluation of the Algorithms for Selecting an Energy-efficient Storage Server in Storage and Computation Oriented Applications. BWCCA 2012 pp.192-199 (共著) 2012/11 |
278. |
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Multimedia Quorum-based Synchronization Protocols. BWCCA 2012 pp.141-148 (共著) 2012/11 |
279. |
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Transmission Power Consumption Laxity-Based (TPCL) Algorithm for Communication Type Applications. BWCCA 2012 pp.200-207 (共著) 2012/11 |
280. |
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Design and Evaluation of Multimedia Quorum-Based Synchronization Protocols. NBiS 2012 pp.164-171 (共著) 2012/09 |
281. |
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Evaluation of an Energy-Aware Selection Algorithm for Computation and Storage-Based Applications. NBiS 2012 pp.120-127 (共著) 2012/09 |
282. |
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Ordered Delivery of Messages in Group Communication Protocols. NBiS 2012 pp.397-401 (共著) 2012/09 |
283. |
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The Extended Transmission Power Consumption Model for Communication-Based Applications. NBiS 2012 pp.112-119 (共著) 2012/09 |
284. |
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Trustworthiness of Peers in P2P Overlay Networks. NBiS 2012 pp.402-407 (共著) 2012/09 |
285. |
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Trustworthy Group Formation Algorithm Based on Decentralized Trust Management in Distributed Systems. NBiS 2012 pp.58-65 (共著) 2012/09 |
286. |
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Energy-Aware Distributed Systems for Computation and Storage-Based Applications. CISIS 2012 pp.269-275 (共著) 2012/07 |
287. |
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Energy-Efficient Server Selection Algorithm Based on the Extended Simple Power Consumption Model. CISIS 2012 pp.276-283 (共著) 2012/07 |
288. |
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Quorums for Replication of Multimedia Objects in P2P Overlay Networks. CISIS 2012 pp.148-155 (共著) 2012/07 |
289. |
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Trustworthiness-based Group Communication Protocols. CISIS 2012 pp.382-388 (共著) 2012/07 |
290. |
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Quorums-based Replication of Multimedia Objects in Distributed Systems Journal of Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 2(11) (共著) 2012/05 |
291. |
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A Multi-Layered Model for Scalable Group Communication with Hybrid Clocks International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 8(1),pp.79-91 (共著) 2012/03 |
292. |
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Algorithms for Selecting Energy-Efficient Storage Servers in Storage and Computation Oriented Applications. AINA 2012 pp.920-927 (共著) 2012/03 |
293. |
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An Extended Power Consumption Model for Distributed Applications. AINA 2012 pp.912-919 (共著) 2012/03 |
294. |
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Completable Quorums of Multimedia Objects. AINA 2012 pp.597-604 (共著) 2012/03 |
295. |
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A multimedia quorum-based (MQB) protocol in P2P overlay networks. MoMM 2011 pp.103-109 (共著) 2011/12 |
296. |
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Energy Efficient Distributed Systems for Storage Servers. INCoS 2011 pp.217-224 (共著) 2011/11 |
297. |
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Enriching and Impoverishing Types of Write Operations in the Multimedia Quorum-based (MQB) Protocol. INCoS 2011 pp.378-383 (共著) 2011/11 |
298. |
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Evaluation of the Improved EPCLB Algorithm for Distributed Applications. INCoS 2011 pp.496-501 (共著) 2011/11 |
299. |
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Trustworthy Group Based Agreement Protocol in Scalable Distributed Networks. INCoS 2011 pp.390-395 (共著) 2011/11 |
300. |
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A Quorum-Based Synchronization Protocol. BWCCA 2011 pp.189-196 (共著) 2011/10 |
301. |
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Energy Efficient Distributed Systems for Storage-Based Applications. BWCCA 2011 pp.263-269 (共著) 2011/10 |
302. |
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Improving of EPCLB Algorithm for Reducing the Overhead of a Load Balancer. BWCCA 2011 pp.277-284 (共著) 2011/10 |
303. |
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A Multi-layered Communication Model with Hybrid Clocks in P2P Overlay Networks. NBiS 2011 pp.286-293 (共著) 2011/09 |
304. |
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A Power Consumption Model of a Storage Server. NBiS 2011 pp.382-387 (共著) 2011/09 |
305. |
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An Application-Oriented Power Consumption Model of Storage Servers Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) 12(3),pp.261-275 (共著) 2011/09 |
306. |
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Design and Implementation of Hybrid Time (HT) Group Communication Protocol for Homogeneous Broadcast Groups International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 2(3),pp.37-48 (共著) 2011/09 |
307. |
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Quorum-Based Replication of Multimedia Objects in Distributed Systems. NBiS 2011 pp.333-340 (共著) 2011/09 |
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The Computation and Transmission Rate Based (CTRB) Algorithm for Distributed Applications. NBiS 2011 pp.6-13 (共著) 2011/09 |
309. |
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Trustworthiness-Based Group Making Approach in Scalable P2P Group. NBiS 2011 pp.250-257 (共著) 2011/09 |
310. |
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Design and Evaluation of Algorithms for Obtaining Objective Trustworthiness on Acquaintances in P2P Overlay Networks International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC) 2(3),pp.196-203 (共著) 2011/08 |
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TMPR-scheme for Reliably Broadcast Messages Among Peer Processes International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC) 2(3),pp.175-182 (共著) 2011/08 |
312. |
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A Power Consumption Model for Storage-based Applications.: 612-617 CISIS 2011 pp.612-617 (共著) 2011/06 |
313. |
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A Scalable Communication Protocol for Multi-layered Groups. CISIS 2011 pp.426-431 (共著) 2011/06 |
314. |
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An Algorithm for Reducing the Total Power Consumption Based on the Computation and Transmission Rates. CISIS 2011 pp.233-240 (共著) 2011/06 |
315. |
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Computation and Transmission Rate Based Algorithm for Reducing the Total Power Consumption Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA) 2(2),pp.1-18 (共著) 2011/06 |
316. |
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Process Allocation Algorithms for Saving Power Consumption in Peer-to-Peer Systems IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58(6),pp.2097-2105 (共著) 2011/06 |
317. |
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Purpose-based Information Flow Control for Cyber Engineering IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58(6),pp.2216-2225 (共著) 2011/06 |
318. |
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Quorum-based Synchronization Protocol of Object Replicas in Scalable Distributed Systems. CISIS 2011 pp.391-396 (共著) 2011/06 |
319. |
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Trustworthiness-based Approach to Reliably Make Agreement among Peers in Scalable P2P Group. CISIS 2011 pp.377-384 (共著) 2011/06 |
320. |
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A Scalable group Communication Protocol with Hybrid Clocks Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 23(5),pp.477-490 (共著) 2011/04 |
321. |
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A Multi-layered Model for Scalable Group Communication in P2P Overlay Networks. AINA 2011 pp.324-331 (共著) 2011/03 |
322. |
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An Integrated Power Consumption Model for Communication and Transaction Based Applications. AINA 2011 pp.695-702 (共著) 2011/03 |
323. |
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Trustworthiness-Based Broadcast Algorithm in Scalable P2P Group. AINA 2011 pp.143-150 (共著) 2011/03 |
324. |
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An Extended Power Consumption-Based Algorithm for Communication-Based Applications Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC) 2(4),pp.263-270 (共著) 2011/01 |
325. |
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A Scalable Hybrid Time Protocol for a Heterogeneous Group. BWCCA 2010 pp.214-221 (共著) 2010/11 |
326. |
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A two-layered model for scalable, heterogeneous group communications. MoMM 2010 pp.126-131 (共著) 2010/11 |
327. |
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Energy-Efficient Server Selection Algorithms for Network Applications. BWCCA 2010 pp.159-166 (共著) 2010/11 |
328. |
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Reliable Message Broadcast Schemes in Distributed Agreement Protocols. BWCCA 2010 pp.242-249 (共著) 2010/11 |
329. |
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Confidence and Trustworthiness in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. NBiS 2010 pp.117-124 (共著) 2010/09 |
330. |
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Hybrid Clock-Based Synchronization in a Scalable Heterogeneous Group. NBiS 2010 pp.246-253 (共著) 2010/09 |
331. |
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Power Consumption-Based Server Selection Algorithms for Communication-Based Systems. NBiS 2010 pp.201-208 (共著) 2010/09 |
332. |
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TBB-Scheme for Reliably Broadcast Messages among Peer Processes. NBiS 2010 pp.337-344 (共著) 2010/09 |
333. |
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A Model for Reducing Power Consumption in Peer-to-Peer Systems IEEE Systems Journal 4(2),pp.221-229 (共著) 2010/06 |
334. |
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Energy-Efficient Agreement Protocols in P2P Overlay Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2010 pp.134-141 (共著) 2010/06 |
335. |
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A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Group Communication Protocol. AINA 2010 pp.268-275 (共著) 2010/04 |
336. |
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Algorithms for Reducing the Total Power Consumption in Data Communication-Based Applications. AINA 2010 pp.142-149 (共著) 2010/04 |
337. |
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Performance Evaluation of an Optimized Load Allocation Approach for Web Server Clusters. AINA Workshops 2010 pp.36-41 (共著) 2010/04 |
338. |
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Subjective and Objective Types of Trustworthiness in Peer-to-Peer(P2P) Overlay Networks. AINA Workshops 2010 pp.1108-1113 (共著) 2010/04 |
339. |
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Trustworthiness among Peer Processes in Distributed Agreement Protocol. AINA 2010 pp.565-572 (共著) 2010/04 |
340. |
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A Purpose-based Synchronization Protocol for Secure Information Flow Control International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering (JCSSE) 25(2),pp.25-32 (共著) 2010/03 |
341. |
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A Broadcast Type Hierarchical Group Communication Protocol Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS) 3(1),pp.179-188 (共著) 2010/02 |
342. |
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An MPR-based Solution for Flooding Broadcast Messages in Distributed Agreement Protocols. CISIS 2010 pp.275-282 (共著) 2010/02 |
343. |
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Laxity Based Algorithm for Reducing Power Consumption in Distributed Systems. CISIS 2010 pp.321-328 (共著) 2010/02 |
344. |
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Reduction of Messages Unnecessarily Ordered in Scalable Group Communication. CISIS 2010 pp.299-306 (共著) 2010/02 |
345. |
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Transactional Agents Model for Distributed Object Systems Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS) 3(1),pp.4-15 (共著) 2010/02 |
346. |
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Trustworthiness of Acquaintances in Peer-to-Peer(P2P) Overlay Networks. CISIS 2010 pp.267-274 (共著) 2010/02 |
347. |
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A flexible group communication protocol with hybrid clocks. MoMM 2009 pp.469-474 (共著) 2009/12 |
348. |
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Laxity-based process allocation algorithms to reduce power consumptions in peer-to-peer overlay networks. MoMM 2009 pp.504-509 (共著) 2009/12 |
349. |
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Energy-Efficient Process Allocation Algorithms in Peer-to-Peer Systems. SEUS 2009 pp.12-23 (共著) 2009/11 |
350. |
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Heterogeneous Clock Group Protocol for Causally Ordered Delivery of Messages International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC) 3(4),pp.247-254 (共著) 2009/11 |
351. |
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A Legal Information Flow (LIF) Scheduler Based on Role-based Access Control Model Computer Standards & Interfaces 31(5),pp.906-912 (共著) 2009/09 |
352. |
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Distributed Cluster Architecture for Increasing Energy Efficiency in Cluster Systems. ICPP Workshops 2009 pp.470-477 (共著) 2009/09 |
353. |
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Reliable and Efficient Agreement Protocol in Fully Distributed Systems. ICPP Workshops 2009 pp.463-469 (共著) 2009/09 |
354. |
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Consistency Based Approach for Agreement Achievement among Peers. NBiS 2009 pp.29-36 (共著) 2009/08 |
355. |
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Energy-Efficient Computation Models for Distributed Systems. NBiS 2009 pp.424-431 (共著) 2009/08 |
356. |
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Evaluation of Purpose Mark Releasing Protocol for Purpose-based Marking (PM) Protocol. NBiS 2009 pp.1-8 (共著) 2009/08 |
357. |
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Minimizing Power Consumption with Performance Efficiency Constraint in Web Server Clusters. NBiS 2009: pp.45-51 (共著) 2009/08 |
358. |
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Transactional Agents on Distributed Object Systems International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) 6(2),pp.148-159 (共著) 2009/07 |
359. |
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Trustworthiness of Acquaintances in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) 6(2),pp.160-171 (共著) 2009/07 |
360. |
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A Purpose Marking and Releasing Protocol for Information Flow Control. ICDCS Workshops 2009 pp.360-367 (共著) 2009/06 |
361. |
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Recoverable Cut Based Coordination Protocol for Peer Processes. ICDCS Workshops 2009 pp.338-345 (共著) 2009/06 |
362. |
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Trustworthy Cooperation among Peers. ICDCS Workshops 2009 pp.346-353 (共著) 2009/06 |
363. |
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A Protocol for Releasing Purpose Marks to Prevent Illegal Information Flow. AINA 2009 pp.845-852 (共著) 2009/05 |
364. |
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Recoverable Cuts to Make Agreement among Peers. AINA 2009 pp.808-815 (共著) 2009/05 |
365. |
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Serial and Parallel Transmission Models for Multi-source Streaming of Multimedia Objects. AINA 2009 pp.479-486 (共著) 2009/05 |
366. |
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A Purpose-Based Synchronization Protocol of Multiple Transactions in Multi-Agent Systems International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining (IJBIDM) 4(1),pp.99-117 (共著) 2009/04 |
367. |
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Efficiently Making Agreement among Peer Processes by Using Recoverable Cuts. CISIS 2009 pp.43-50 (共著) 2009/03 |
368. |
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Evaluation of a Purpose-Based Marking (PM) Protocol for Secure Distributed Systems. CISIS 2009 pp.27-34 (共著) 2009/03 |
369. |
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Models for P2P Multi-Source Streaming. CISIS 2009 pp.35-42 (共著) 2009/03 |
370. |
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A Backward Algorithm in a Distributed Agreement Computing. ICPADS 2008 pp.263-270 (共著) 2008/12 |
371. |
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A Protocol for Making An Agreement in A Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Society Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) 9(4),pp.317-335 (共著) 2008/12 |
372. |
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A Purpose-Based Synchronization Protocol of Multiple Transactions. ICPADS 2008 pp.145-152 (共著) 2008/12 |
373. |
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Design and Evaluation of Reliable Data Transmission Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks Mobile Information Systems (MIS) 4(3),pp.237-252 (共著) 2008/12 |
374. |
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A Backward Strategy in a Peer-to-Peer Agreement Protocol. ICPP Workshops 2008 pp.220-227 (共著) 2008/09 |
375. |
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A Multi-Source Streaming Model for Mobile Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Overlay Networks. NBiS 2008 pp.122-131 (共著) 2008/09 |
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A Redundant Data Transmission Protocol for a Wireless Sensor Network. ICPP Workshops 2008 pp.154-161 (共著) 2008/09 |
377. |
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Making an Agreement in an Order-Heterogeneous Group. NBiS 2008 pp.38-48 (共著) 2008/09 |
378. |
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Preventing Illegal Information Flow Based on Role-Based Access Control Model. NBiS 2008 pp.242-251 (共著) 2008/09 |
379. |
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A Redundant Data Transmission Protocol in a Wireless Sensor-Actuator Network International Journal of Telecommunication Systems (IJTS) 38(3/4),pp.71-82 (共著) 2008/08 |
380. |
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A Multi-Source Streaming Model for Mobile Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Overlay Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2008 pp.18-23 (共著) 2008/06 |
381. |
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A Protocol for Making an Agreement in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Society. ICDCS Workshops 2008 pp.1-6 (共著) 2008/06 |
382. |
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Role Based Access Control in Distributed Object Systems. ICDCS Workshops 2008 pp.24-29 (共著) 2008/06 |
383. |
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A Fault-Tolerant Model of Wireless Sensor-Actuator Network International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN) 4(2),pp.101-128 (共著) 2008/05 |
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Coordination Protocols for a Reliable Sensor, Actuator, and Device Network (SADN) International Journal of Mobile Information Systems (IJMIS) 4(2),pp.147-161 (共著) 2008/04 |
385. |
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A Distributed Coordination Protocol for Multiple Peer Processes. AINA 2008 pp.531-538 (共著) 2008/03 |
386. |
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Actuator-Device Coordination in a Reliable Sensor, Actuator, and Device Network (SADN). CISIS 2008 pp.193-199 (共著) 2008/03 |
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Checkpointing in a Distributed Coordination Protocol for Multiple Peer Processes. CISIS 2008 pp.48-54 (共著) 2008/03 |
388. |
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Distributed Databases in Dynamic R-Tree for Vehicle Information Systems. AINA Workshops 2008 pp.133-138 (共著) 2008/03 |
389. |
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Evaluation of the Reliable Data Transmission Protocol in Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks. CISIS 2008 pp.12-18 (共著) 2008/03 |
390. |
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Making Societies in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Overlay Networks. CISIS 2008 pp.41-47 (共著) 2008/03 |
391. |
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Role-Based Access Control in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Societies. AINA Workshops 2008 pp.495-500 (共著) 2008/03 |
392. |
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Synchronization of Transactions to Prevent Illegal Information Flow in a Role-Based Access Control Model. AINA 2008 pp.779-786 (共著) 2008/03 |
393. |
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Trustworthiness and Confidence of Peers in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network. AINA Workshops 2008 pp.313-318 (共著) 2008/03 |
394. |
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A Legal Information flow (LIF) scheduler for distributed systems. ICPADS 2007 pp.1-8 (共著) 2007/12 |
395. |
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Concurrency Control Based on Role Concept International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) 5(1/2),pp.75-83 (単著) 2007/09 |
396. |
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Cooperation of Trustworthy Peers in P2P Overlay Networks. ICPP Workshops 2007 pp.4-4 (共著) 2007/09 |
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Design and Evaluation of a Legal Information Flow (LIF) Scheduler in a Role-based Access Control Model. ICPP Workshops 2007 pp.8-8 (共著) 2007/09 |
398. |
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Making an Agreement in an Order-Heterogeneous Group by using a Distributed Coordination Protocol. ICPP Workshops 2007 pp.1-1 (共著) 2007/09 |
399. |
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Ranking Factors in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks ACM Transaction on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) 2(3),pp.11:1-11:26 (共著) 2007/09 |
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Role-Based Scheduling and Synchronization Algorithms to Prevent Illegal Information Flow. NBiS 2007 pp.238-247 (共著) 2007/09 |
401. |
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Scalable Multimedia Streaming Model in Heterogeneous Networks International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) 5(1/2),pp.62-74 (共著) 2007/09 |
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Sensor-Actuator Communication Protocols in Wireless Networks. NBiS 2007 pp.11-19 (共著) 2007/09 |
403. |
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Trustworthiness of Acquaintance peers on Access Control Models. DEXA Workshops 2007 pp.784-788 (共著) 2007/09 |
404. |
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Confidence-based Trustworthiness of Acquaintance Peers in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2007 pp.30-30 (共著) 2007/06 |
405. |
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A Distributed Coordination Protocol for a Heterogeneous Group of Peer Processes. AINA 2007 pp.565-572 (共著) 2007/05 |
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Efficient Data Transmission in a Lossy and Resource Limited Wireless Sensor-Actuator Network. ISORC 2007 pp.156-163 (共著) 2007/05 |
407. |
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Evaluation of Reliable Data Transmission Protocol in Wireless Sensor-Actuator Network. AINA Workshops (2) 2007 pp.713-718 (共著) 2007/05 |
408. |
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Fault Detection and Recovery in a Transactional Agent Model. AINA 2007 pp.126-133 (共著) 2007/05 |
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Role-based Concurrency Control in a Subject- and Purpose-Oriented (SPO) View. AINA 2007 pp.171-178 (共著) 2007/05 |
410. |
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A Distributed Coordination Algorithm for a Heterogeneous Group of Peers. CISIS 2007 pp.291-296 (共著) 2007/04 |
411. |
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An Inter-peer Trustworthiness Based on Access Control in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. CISIS 2007 pp.163-170 (共著) 2007/04 |
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Concurrency Control using Subject- and Purpose-Oriented (SPO) View. ARES 2007 pp.454-464 (共著) 2007/04 |
413. |
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Distributed Multi-Source Streaming Models in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 15(4),pp.426-464 (共著) 2007/04 |
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Fault-Tolerant Semi-Passive Coordination Protocol for a Multi-Actuator/Multi-Sensor (MAMS) Model. ARES 2007 pp.506-516 (共著) 2007/04 |
415. |
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A Mobile Agent Model for Fault-Tolerant Manipulation on Distributed Objects International Journal of Cluster Computing (IJCC) 10(1),pp.81-93 (共著) 2007/03 |
416. |
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Concurrency Control Based on Subject and Purpose Concepts. FTDCS 2007 pp.55-64 (共著) 2007/03 |
417. |
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Distributed Coordination Protocols to Realize Scalable Multimedia Streaming in Peer-to-peer (P2P) Overlay Networks Journal of Mobile Multimedia (JMM) 2(4),pp.283-296 (共著) 2006/12 |
418. |
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Distributed Multimedia Streaming Systems in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. ISM 2006 pp.657-661 (共著) 2006/12 |
419. |
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Role-Based Serializability using Role Ordering Schedulers Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) 7(4),pp.437-450 (単著) 2006/12 |
420. |
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Fault-Tolerant Destributed Systems in a Mobile Agent Model. DEXA Workshops 2006 pp.10-14 (共著) 2006/09 |
421. |
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Role-Based Serializability for Distributed Object Systems. DEXA 2006 pp.801-811 (共著) 2006/09 |
422. |
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Satisfiability and Trustworthiness of Acquaintances in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks Journal of Information Systems Frontier (ISF) 8(4),pp.271-284 (共著) 2006/09 |
423. |
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Distributed Coordination Protocols to Realize Scalable Multimedia Streaming in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. ICPP 2006 pp.569-576 (共著) 2006/08 |
424. |
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HAMS: Scalable Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming Model in Heterogeneous Networks Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS) 72(7),pp.1211-1225 (共著) 2006/08 |
425. |
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Concurrency Control in Multi-Role Association. ICDCS Workshops 2006 pp.45-45 (共著) 2006/07 |
426. |
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Distributed Coordination for Scalable Multi-source Multimedia Streaming Model. ICPADS (1) 2006 pp.243-252 (共著) 2006/07 |
427. |
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Distributed Coordination for Scalable Multimedia Streaming Model. ICDCS Workshops 2006 pp.42-42 (共著) 2006/07 |
428. |
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Trustworthiness of Peers Based on Access Control in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2006 pp.74-74 (共著) 2006/07 |
429. |
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Trustworthiness in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. SUTC (1) 2006 pp.86-93 (共著) 2006/06 |
430. |
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A Group Communication Protocol for Autonomic Computing Journal of Computer Science 2(6),pp.480-488 (単著) 2006/05 |
431. |
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A Fault-Tolerant Model forWireless Sensor-Actor System. AINA (2) 2006 pp.303-307 (共著) 2006/04 |
432. |
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A Fault-Tolerant Model ofWireless Sensor-Actor Network. ISORC 2006 pp.186-193 (共著) 2006/04 |
433. |
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A Fault-Tolerant Transactional Agent Model on Distributed Object Systems. AINA (2) 2006 pp.907-911 (共著) 2006/04 |
434. |
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A Fault-Tolerant Transactional Agent Model on Distributed Objects. ISORC 2006 pp.279-286 (共著) 2006/04 |
435. |
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HAMS: Heterogeneous Asynchronous Multi-source Streaming Protocol to Realize Scalable Multimedia Communications. AINA (1) 2006 pp.347-352 (共著) 2006/04 |
436. |
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Role-Based Concurrency Control for Distributed Systems. AINA (1) 2006 pp.407-412 (共著) 2006/04 |
437. |
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Satisfiability and Trustworthiness of Peers in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. ARES 2006 pp.42-49 (共著) 2006/04 |
438. |
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Service Oriented Trustworthiness of Acquaintances in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. AINA (1) 2006 pp.3-8 (共著) 2006/04 |
439. |
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An Autonomous Group Communication Protocol for Distributed Applications International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) 3(5/6),pp.285-295 (共著) 2005/12 |
440. |
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Role Ordering (RO) Scheduler for Distributed Objects 情報処理学会 論文誌 42(12),pp.3089-3096 (単著) 2005/12 |
441. |
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Scalable Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming Model in Heterogeneous Networks. ISM 2005 pp.208-215 (共著) 2005/12 |
442. |
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High-Speed Group Communication Protocol for Exchanging Real-Time Multimedia Data International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC) 1(1),pp.38-45 (共著) 2005/11 |
443. |
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An Asynchronous Multi-source Streaming Protocol for Scalable and Reliable Multimedia Communication. DMS 2005 pp.253-258 (共著) 2005/09 |
444. |
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Design of Hierarchical Group to Realize a Scalable Group Journal of Mobile Multimedia (JMM) 1(3),pp.180-197 (共著) 2005/09 |
445. |
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SMIP: Striping Multimedia Communication Protocol for Large Scale Hierarchical Group. DMS 2005 pp.259-264 (共著) 2005/09 |
446. |
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Acquaintance-Based Protocol for Manipulating Multimedia Objects in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. DEXA Workshops 2005 pp.771-775 (共著) 2005/08 |
447. |
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Asynchronous Multi-source Streaming Protocol to Realize High-Performance Multimedia Communication. DEXA Workshops 2005 pp.116-120 (共著) 2005/08 |
448. |
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Hierarchical Protocol for Byzantine Agreement in a Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network. DEXA Workshops 2005 pp.5-9 (共著) 2005/08 |
449. |
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Role Ordering (RO) Scheduler for Concurrency Control. DEXA Workshops 2005 pp.10-14 (共著) 2005/08 |
450. |
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A Scalable Multimedia Streaming Model Based-on Multi-source Streaming Concept. ICPADS (1) 2005 pp.15-21 (共著) 2005/07 |
451. |
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Byzantine Agreement Protocol using Hierarchical Groups. ICPADS (1) 2005 pp.64-70 (共著) 2005/07 |
452. |
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Causally Ordered Delivery in a Hierarchical Group of Peer Processes Computer Communications Journal 28(11),pp.1337-1347 (共著) 2005/07 |
453. |
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Causally Ordered Delivery with Global Clock in Hierarchical Group. ICPADS (2) 2005 pp.560-564 (共著) 2005/07 |
454. |
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Charge-based Flooding Algorithm for Looking Up Multimedia Objects in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. ICPADS (1) 2005 pp.481-487 (共著) 2005/07 |
455. |
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Concurrency Control Based-on Significancy on Roles. ICPADS (1) 2005 pp.196-202 (共著) 2005/07 |
456. |
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Group Communication Protocol for Autonomic Computing. ICPADS (2) 2005 pp.443-447 (共著) 2005/07 |
457. |
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Transactional Agent on Distributed Objects. ICPADS (2) 2005 pp.644-649 (共著) 2005/07 |
458. |
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Concurrency Control Using Role Ordering (RO) Scheduler for Distributed Objects. ICDCS Workshops 2005 pp.756-762 (共著) 2005/06 |
459. |
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Striping Communication Protocol for Reliable Multimedia Communication in a Hierarchical Group. ICDCS Workshops 2005 pp.734-740 (共著) 2005/06 |
460. |
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Acquaintance-based Protocol for Detecting Multimedia Objects in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. ISORC 2005 pp.245-252 (共著) 2005/05 |
461. |
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A Model for Manipulating Multimedia Objects in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. Wissensmanagement 2005 pp.222-227 (共著) 2005/04 |
462. |
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A High-Performance Multimedia Streaming Model on Multi-Source Streaming Approach in Peer-to-Peer Networks. AINA 2005 pp.27-32 (共著) 2005/03 |
463. |
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A Scalable Group Communication Protocol with Global Clock. AINA 2005 pp.625-630 (共著) 2005/03 |
464. |
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Charge-Based Flooding Algorithm for Detecting Multimedia Objects in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. AINA 2005 pp.165-170 (共著) 2005/03 |
465. |
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Concurrency Control Using Role Ordering (RO) Scheduler. AINA 2005 pp.755-760 (共著) 2005/03 |
466. |
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Design and Implementation of Transactional Agents for Manipulating Distributed Objects. AINA 2005 pp.368-373 (共著) 2005/03 |
467. |
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Design of a Hierarchical Group to Realize a Scalable Group. AINA 2005 pp.9-4 (共著) 2005/03 |
468. |
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Lattice-Based Precedence of Moderate Lock Modes on Objects. AINA 2005 pp.853-858 (共著) 2005/03 |
469. |
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Transactional agent model for fault-tolerant object systems. SAC 2005 pp.1133-1138 (共著) 2005/03 |
470. |
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Concurrency Control on Distributed Objects using Role Ordering (RO) Scheduler. WORDS 2005 pp.66-73 (共著) 2005/02 |
471. |
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Design and Implementation of Fault-Tolerant Transactional Agents for Manipulating Distributed Objects. WORDS 2005 pp.329-336 (共著) 2005/02 |
472. |
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Autonomic Group Protocol for Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Systems. DEXA 2004 pp.87-97 (共著) 2004/09 |
473. |
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Distributed Multimedia Objects in Peer-to-Peer Networks. DEXA Workshops 2004 pp.337-341 (共著) 2004/09 |
474. |
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Group Communication Protocol for Atomic and Causal Delivery of Multimedia Messages. DEXA Workshops 2004 pp.342-346 (共著) 2004/09 |
475. |
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Locking Protocol for Information Flow Control Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) 5(3),pp.233-247 (共著) 2004/09 |
476. |
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Moderate Concurrency Control in Distributed Object Systems. DEXA 2004 pp.675-683 (共著) 2004/09 |
477. |
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Quorum-Based Multi-Invocation Model for Replicated Objects Concurrent Engineering: Research and Application Journal (CERA) 12(3),pp.185-194 (共著) 2004/09 |
478. |
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Causally Ordered Delivery for a Hierarchical Group. ICPADS 2004 pp.453-460 (共著) 2004/07 |
479. |
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Role Ordering Scheduler for Concurrency Control in Distributed Objects. ICPADS 2004 pp.485-492 (共著) 2004/07 |
480. |
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Atomicity and causality of multimedia messages in group communication. ICME 2004 pp.229-232 (共著) 2004/06 |
481. |
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Moderate Concurrency Control in Distributed Object Systems. Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) 5(2),pp.181-191 (共著) 2004/06 |
482. |
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QoS-based hybrid concurrency control on distributed multimedia objects. ICME 2004 pp.201-204 (共著) 2004/06 |
483. |
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Hybrid Concurrency Control Protocol for Multimedia Objects. ISORC 2004 pp.211-218 (共著) 2004/05 |
484. |
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A Group Communication Protocol for Scalable Causal Ordering. AINA (1) 2004 pp.296-302 (共著) 2004/03 |
485. |
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An Autonomic Group Communication. AINA (1) 2004 pp.290-295 (共著) 2004/03 |
486. |
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Autonomic Group Protocol for Distributed Systems. ICDCS Workshops 2004 pp.4-9 (共著) 2004/03 |
487. |
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Concurrency Control Protocol on Distributed Multimedia Objects. AINA (1) 2004 pp.537-542 (共著) 2004/03 |
488. |
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Distributed Replication and Caching: A Mechanism for Architecting Responsive Web Services. AINA (2) 2004 pp.289-292 (共著) 2004/03 |
489. |
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Heterogeneous Groups to Causally Ordered Delivery. ICDCS Workshops 2004 pp.70-75 (共著) 2004/03 |
490. |
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Mobile Agent Model for Transaction Processing on Distributed Objects. AINA (1) 2004 pp.506-511 (共著) 2004/03 |
491. |
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Notification-Based QoS Control Protocol for Multimedia Group Communication in High-Speed Networks. ICDCS 2004 pp.644-651 (共著) 2004/03 |
492. |
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QoS-Based Synchronous/Asynchronous Data Transmission Model in Group Communication. AINA (1) 2004 pp.35-40 (共著) 2004/03 |
493. |
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Role Locks to Prevent Illegal Information Flow among Objects. AINA (1) 2004 pp.196-201 (共著) 2004/03 |
494. |
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Hierarchical Protocol for Broadcast-Type Group Communication. ICPP Workshops 2003 pp.21-28 (共著) 2003/10 |
495. |
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Autonomic Group Communication Protocol Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) 4(3),pp.309-328 (共著) 2003/09 |
496. |
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Flexibility in Group Communication Service. DEXA Workshops 2003 pp.151-155 (共著) 2003/09 |
497. |
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Transactional Agent Model for Distributed Object Systems. DEXA 2003 pp.340-349 (共著) 2003/09 |
498. |
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Transactional Aid to Workflow Distribution to Support E-Commerce. DEXA Workshops 2003 pp.199-203 (共著) 2003/09 |
499. |
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Mobile agent model for transaction processing on distributed objects Information Sciences 154(1-2),pp.23-38 (共著) 2003/08 |
500. |
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Notification-based QoS Control Protocol for Group Communication Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) 4(2),pp.211-225 (共著) 2003/06 |
501. |
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Causality in Hierarchical Group Communication. ICDCS Workshops 2003 pp.568-573 (共著) 2003/05 |
502. |
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Communication Protocol for a Hierarchical Group. FTDCS 2003 pp.265-271 (共著) 2003/05 |
503. |
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Design and Implementation of Transactional Agents. WSTFES 2003 pp.17-20 (共著) 2003/05 |
504. |
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Fault-Tolerant Mobile Agents in Distributed Objects Systems. FTDCS 2003 pp.145-151 (共著) 2003/05 |
505. |
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Flexible Group Communication Protocol for Distributed Applications. ICDCS Workshops 2003 pp.519-524 (共著) 2003/05 |
506. |
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Flexible Group Communication Protocol. FTDCS 2003 pp.272-278 (共著) 2003/05 |
507. |
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Flexible Group Protocol for Distributed Systems. WSTFES 2003 pp.97-100 (共著) 2003/05 |
508. |
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Nested Invocation Protocol for Object-Based Systems. ISORC 2003 pp.238-248 (共著) 2003/05 |
509. |
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Causality in a Hierarchical Group. AINA 2003 pp.433-439 (共著) 2003/03 |
510. |
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Flexible Group Communication Protocol for Distributed Systems. AINA 2003 pp.65-71 (共著) 2003/03 |
511. |
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Fully Distributed Communication Protocol for Exchanging Real-Time Multimedia Data in a Group. AINA 2003 pp.427-432 (共著) 2003/03 |
512. |
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Mobile Agent Model for Fault-Tolerant Objects Systems 情報処理学会 論文誌 44(3),pp.771-778 (共著) 2003/03 |
513. |
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Nested Invocation Protocol on Object Replicas 情報処理学会 論文誌 44(3),pp.510-517 (共著) 2003/03 |
514. |
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QoS-Based Ordered Delivery for Multimedia Objects in a Group. AINA 2003 pp.72-77 (共著) 2003/03 |
515. |
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Group Communication in Distributed Multimedia Objects. WORDS 2003 pp.258-264 (共著) 2003/01 |
516. |
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Object-Based Ordered Delivery of Messages in Object-Based Systems. ICPP 1999 pp.380-387 (共著) 1999/09 |
517. |
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Significant Message Precedence in Object-Based Systems. ICPADS 1998 pp.284-291 (共著) 1998/12 |
518. |
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Group Protocol for Distributed Replicated Objects. ICPP 1998 pp.570-578 (共著) 1998/08 |
519. |
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Object-Based Group Protocol. DEXA 1998 pp.470-479 (共著) 1998/08 |
520. |
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Transaction-Based Causally Ordered Protocol for Distributed Replicated Objects. ICPADS 1997 pp.210-215 (共著) 1997/12 |