(最終更新日:2024-05-23 19:48:22)
■ 現在の専門分野
■ 論文
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論文 |
Regional Synchronization during Economic Contraction: The Case of the U.S. and Japan Applied Economics (55),pp.3472-3486 (共著) 2023/06 |
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Regional Synchronization during Economic Contraction: The Case of the U.S. and Japan Applied Economics (共著) 2022/09/05 |
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Intermittent Transition between Synchronization and Desynchronization in Multi-Regional Business Cycles. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (44),68-76頁 (共著) 2018/03 |
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A Compositional Data Analysis of Market Share Dynamics. RIETI Discussion Paper Series (17-E-076) (共著) 2017/05 |
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Chaotic Itinerancy in Regional Business Cycle Synchronization 立正大学経済学会ディスカッション・ペーパー (1),1-17頁 (共著) 2015/11 |
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非線形経済動学序説 経済学季報 64(4),109-138頁 (単著) 2015/03 |
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Neural Basis of Economic Bubble Behavior Neuroscience (265),37-47頁 (共著) 2014/01 |
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Differentiated Duopoly Revisited The quarterly report of economics 61(3/4),pp.121-144 (単著) 2012/03 |
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寡占・独占をもたらす「見えざる手」:消費者の「合理性」による市場のダイナミクス 金融財政ビジネス (10144) (単著) 2011/02 |
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Dynamics of Market Structure Driven by the Degree of Consumer's Rationality Physica A 389,pp.1041-1054 (共著) 2010/03 |
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A Model of Market Share Dynamics with Boundedly Rational Agents T. Terano et al. (Eds.): Agent-Based Approaches in Economics and Social Complex Systems V pp.255-266 (共著) 2009/01 |
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Dynamics of a Market with Heterogeneous Learning Agents Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 3,pp.107-111 (共著) 2008/03 |
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Regional Business Cycle Synchronization through Expectations Physica A 383,pp.102-107 (共著) 2007/09 |
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Heterogeneous Strategies in Nonlinear Duopoly with Product Differentiation Pure Mathematics and Applications 16,pp.443-466 (共著) 2005/06 |
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Monopoly, Oligopoly and the Invisible Hand Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 18,pp.537-547 (共著) 2003/10 |
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Stability, Chaos and Multiple Attractors: A Single Agent Makes a Difference Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 27,pp.1917-1938 (共著) 2003/08 |
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見えざる手による独占・寡占の創発 吉田雅明編著『複雑系社会理論の新地平』 227-243頁 (共著) 2003/03 |
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非線形経済動学の可能性 吉田雅明編著『複雑系社会理論の新地平』 23-67頁 (単著) 2003/03 |
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地域産業連関表による旭川市経済の分析 貯蓄経済理論研究会年報 17,19-60頁 (共著) 2002/02 |
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A Single Agent Makes Market Behavior Different 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題 101(464),89-96頁 (共著) 2001/11 |
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Complementary Analysis of a Nonlinear Cobweb Model with AdaptiveProduction Adjustment 旭川大学紀要 51,13-19頁 (共著) 2001/06 |
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非線形経済動学の本質と今後の動向 貯蓄経済理論研究会年報 16,41-64頁 (単著) 2001/02 |
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Complex Dynamics in a Cobweb Model with Adaptive Production Adjustment Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 41,101-115頁 (共著) 2000/02 |
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適応的生産調整を含む非線形蜘蛛の巣モデル 貯蓄経済理論研究会年報 (15),31-47頁 (共著) 1999/12 |
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非線形経済動学を越えて 旭川大学紀要 48,19-36頁 (単著) 1999/09 |
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旭川市の地域産業連関分析 旭川大学紀要 47,85-120頁 (単著) 1999/03 |
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<翻訳>A.Dean,P.Hoeller「CO_2排出削減のコスト : 6つのグロ-バル・モデルが示すもの」 旭川大学紀要 39,141-189頁 (単著) 1994/01 |
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