(Last updated : 2021-02-17 13:34:53)
   Department   Department of Environment Systems, Faculty of Geo-Environmental Science
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Book and thesis
1. Article Contributions of GCM/RCM uncertainty in ensemble dynamical downscaling for precipitation in East Asian summer monsoon season SOLA 14,pp.97-104 (Collaboration) 2018
2. Article Extreme precipitation linked to temperature over Japan: Current evaluation and future changes with multi-model ensemble downscaling Climate Dynamics  (Collaboration) 2017Link
3. Article Assessment of RCM and urban scenario uncertainties in the climate projections for August in the 2050s in Tokyo Climatic Change 137(3),pp.432-438 (Collaboration) 2016Link
4. Article An application of a physical vegetation model to estimate climate change impacts on rice leaf wetness Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 54,pp.1482-1495 (Collaboration) 2015Link
5. Article Assessment of the impact of metropolitan-scale urban planning scenarios on the moist thermal environment in a warmed climate: A study of the Tokyo metropolitan area using regional climate modeling Advances in Meteorology  (Collaboration) 2015Link
6. Article Future projections of labor hours based on WBGT for Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, using multi-period ensemble dynamical downscale simulations International Journal of Biometeorology  (Collaboration) 2015Link
7. Article Modeling high impact weather and climate: Lessons from a tropical cyclone perspective Climatic Change 129,pp.381-395 (Collaboration) 2015Link
8. Article Projection of future climate change over Japan in ensemble simulations with a high-resolution regional climate model SOLA 11,pp.90-94 (Collaboration) 2015Link
9. Article Mechanism of precipitation increase with urbanization in Tokyo as revealed by ensemble climate simulations Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53,pp.824-839 (Collaboration) 2014Link
10. Article Convectively-Coupled Kelvin and Easterly Waves in a Regional Climate Simulation of the Tropics Climate Dynamics 36,pp.185-203 (Collaboration) 2011Link
Display all(12)
■ Book and thesis
1. Book Uncertainties and Limitations in Simulating Tropical Cyclones  Springer (Single) 2012Link
■ Academic background
1. 2005/09~2011/08 〔Doctorial Course〕 Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Sciences, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Completed, Doctor of Philosophy
2. 2004/01~2005/05 School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Graduated, Bachelor of Sciences
3. 2001/09~2003/06 Department of Sciences, Shoreline Community College, Graduated, Associates in Sciences
■ Belonging society
1. 2014/05~ International Society of Biometeorology