(Last updated : 2024-08-12 05:30:57)
   Department   Department of Data Science, Faculty of Data Science
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Present specialized field
Japanese literature, Japanese history, Foreign language education (Key Word:History of Premodern Japan, Classical Japanese Literature, English Language Education, Japanese Affairs) 
■ Book and thesis
1. Article Prescribed Roles of Women in Medieval Japanese Buddhism:
As Represented in the Tale of the Heike   (Single) 2017/03
2. Article Depicting Authority: Cultural Capital in the Early Medieval Japanese Court The Annals of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures (16),pp.251-266 (Single) 2016/09
3. Article An Engagement with the Scholarship on Mitogaku, from the 1930s to the Present  (10),pp.74-146 (Single) 2016/03Link
4. Article Uncovering Doorways to the Conceptual World of Medieval Japan: Comparing Kanseki in the Kakuichi and Engyō Variants of the Heike Monogatari  (8),pp.125-170 (Single) 2014/03Link
5. Article From Darkness into Light: An Engagement with the Historiography of the Tokugawa Court  6,pp.59-117 (Single) 2014
6. Article Sailing Between Two Seas: A Discussion of Recent Japanese Writing on the Integration of Literature and History  (3),pp.1-25 (Single) 2011/03Link
■ Book and thesis
1. Book JAPANESE HISTORY for High School   (Collaboration) 2024/03/21Link
2. Book Pioneering the "Art "of Publishing:: Natsume Soseki and Book Desingn in the Late Meiji Era Book-scape:Cultural Landscape of Books and the Web of Associations pp.197-214 (Single) 2023/03/31
3. Book Birth and Death in the Royal House: Selections from Fujiwara no Munetada's Chūyūki   (Collaboration) 2015
4. Other 服藤早苗「父入・初出仕・新婦行始の成立~平安時代の婚姻儀礼」(論文要旨英訳) 総合女性史研究 (41) (Single) 2024/03
5. Other SEKI Chikako "Bakufu Policy on Brothels during the Tenpo Era: Focusing on the Discussion by Bakufu Officials Concerning the Ordinances Issued in 1842" Annual Reviews of Women's History  (Single) 2023/03
6. Other SUGANUMA Aigo "Diplomatic Activities of the Family of Wang Zhaojun in Response to the Xiongnu" Annual Reviews of Women's History  (Single) 2023/03
7. Other Examining Coeducational Systems at Prefectural High Schools in Chiba   (Single) 2022/03
8. Other Embracing Similarities between Kambun Records and the Kana Court Diary, Tamakiharu New Horizons in Japanese Literary Studies: Canon Formation, Gender, and Media  (Single) 2009/04
9. Other A Comedy of Marriage and Family in Eleventh-century Kyoto: Fujiwara no Akihira's Shinsarugakuki  pp.51-80 (Single) 2009/02
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2019/09/05 Networking among Noble Families: Cases from the Japanese Medieval Experience (Co-operative for the Advancement of Research through a Medieval European Network)
2. 2019/06/29 A Literary Lens on Social Lives: The Spectrum of Commoners in Medieval Tales (The Asian Studies Conference Japan)
3. 2017/09 Navigating Literary Landscapes: The Evolution of Approaches to Literature in Japanese Historical Scholarship (Making of Humanities VI)
4. 2016/10/15 Conflict and Conciliation in Early Medieval Japan: Rethinking Court-Bakufu Relations from the Perspective of Families
5. 2015/09 Depicting Authority: Cultural Capital in the Early Medieval Japanese Court (Japan- Premodern, Modern and Contemporary)
6. 2012/10 Marriage Strategies and Familial Networks of the Saionji (Networks in Premodern and Early Modern Japan)
7. 2012/06 The Saionji Estates: Spatial Strategies and Economic Capital (International Conference "Reassessing the Shoen System: Society and Economy in Medieval Japan")
8. 2010/11 Another Side of Medieval Japan: Courtier Life as Seen Through Contemporary Writings
9. 2010/11 Foundations of Courtier Society in Medieval Japan: Economic and Spatial Power of Saionji Kintsune (The 21st Conference: International Association of Historians of Asia)
10. 2009/05 Gathering Old Leaves in New Winds: Omiya-in and the Fuyoshu (Women of Talent in Times of Trouble)
Display all(11)
■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2024/02/27 Tradition of Beauty: Aesthetic Sense of Japan (Austin Peay State University)
2. 2019/10/09 Japanese Culture in the World Context (Chigasaki City)
3. 2019/06/28 Is the Tenno really "Emperor"? : Issues concerning the English Translation of Historical Terms (Zama City)
■ Academic background
1. 1990/04~1994/03 Faculty of Literature, Aoyama Gakuin University, Graduated,
2. 1994/04~1997/03 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Aoyama Gakuin University, Completed,
3. 2001/08~2004/05 〔Doctorial Course〕, University of British Columbia, Accomplished credits for doctoral program
4. 2004/08~2013/08 〔Doctorial Course〕 Premodern Japanese History, University of Southern California, Completed, Ph.D. in History
■ Belonging society
1. 2009/06~ British Association of Japan StudiesLink
2. 2007/05~ Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC)Link
3. 2005/01~ Association for Asian Studies (AAS)Link
■ Main Subject
Introduction to Cultures of the World: Japanese History