(Last updated : 2023-05-23 21:34:37)
   Department   Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics
   Position   Professor
■ Present specialized field
Japanese linguistics 
■ Book and thesis
1. Article Menzerath-Altmann law and the sentence structure Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 23(3),pp.256-277 (Single) 2016/08
2. Article Distributions of frequencies of postpositions for the subject and the ellipsis of the subject: a quantitative analysis employing the valency theory Journal of Japanese linguistics and literature of Tokyo Gakugei University pp.1-14 (Single) 2013
3. Article Quantitative approach to frequency data of Japanese postpositions and valency The quarterly report of economics of Rissho University pp.1-35 (Single) 2012
4. Article Quantitative Analysis of Japanese Vocabulary using h-index The quarterly report of economics of Rissho University  (Single) 2011
5. Article Predictions of Dialect Standardization by the "Life-long Assimilation of Language Change" Model Studies in the Japanese Language pp.31-44 (Collaboration) 2010
6. Article Scholarly Terms Popularized in the Modern Japanese Japanese Linguistics pp.26-34 (Single) 2010
7. Article Another edition of Dictionary of Philosophy published in 1891 Bulletin of Saitama Gakuen University (Faculty of Humanities) pp.1-13 (Single) 2009
8. Article Diversification of postpositions in Japanese Glottometrics 19,pp.70-79 (Collaboration) 2009
9. Article Psychological model for analyzing longitudinal survey data on honorifics use The Japanese journal of Language in Society pp.64-75 (Collaboration) 2008
10. Article S Curve Analysis with Multiple Logistic Regression for Language Change Glottotheory 1,pp.120-123 (Collaboration) 2008
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■ Book and thesis
1. Book N-grams of valency types and their significant order in the clause Language and Text. Data, models, information and applications, [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (3561),pp.69-91 (Collaboration) 2021/12
2. Book Empirical Approaches to Text and Language Analysis  pp.190-206 (Collaboration) 2014/09
3. Book Issues in Quantitative Linguistics 3.(Studies in Quantitative Linguistics. vol.13)  pp.224-228 (Collaboration) 2013
4. Book Selected papers of the VIIIth International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics (QUALICO) in Belgrade, Serbia,  pp.130-140 (Collaboration) 2013
5. Book Study of the modern Japanese, vol.17.  pp.155-168 (Collaboration) 2013
6. Book Linguistic questionnaires and statistical processing, The series of IT and Japanese linguistics, vol. 8.  pp.107-156 (Collaboration) 2012
7. Book Study of the modern Japanese, vol.16.  pp.49-62 (Collaboration) 2012
8. Book Synergetic Linguistics: Text and Language as Dynamic Systems. To Reinhard Koehler on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday  pp.197-208 (Collaboration) 2012
9. Book Introduction to business communication for university students   (Collaboration) 2011
10. Book Text and Language   (Collaboration) 2010
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■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2016/08 Quantitative interrelations of properties of the complement and the adjunct (International Quantitative Linguistics Conference (Qualico) 2016)
2. 2014/05/30 A co-occurrence and an order of valency in Japanese sentences (Qualico2014 International Quantitative Linguistics Conference)
3. 2013 Japanese philosopher INOUE Tetsujiro's view of multi-lingualism: A reference to his diary and notebooks written during his study in Europe 1884 - 1890 (Invited Speech at Mori-Ogai-Museum for Center for Japanese Language and Culture of Berlin Humboldt University)
4. 2013 Transference and adaptation of the terms from Japan to China at the beginning of the 20th century (CIL19 Les Congres Internationaux des Linguistes, The International Congress of Linguists (ICL))
5. 2012 Employment of Japanese terms for Chinese dictionary by CLSC (Christian Literature Society for China) (7th International Conference on Missionary Linguistics)
6. 2012 Language Life and Gender in Japanese (Philosophische Fakultaet, Institut fuer Anglistik-Amerikanistik)
7. 2012 Quantitative Analysis of Japanese Vocabulary using h-index (Paderborn University (Germany))
8. 2012 Quantitative approach to frequency data of Japanese postpositions and valency (Project Meeting of "Basic Research on Corpus Annotation" at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
9. 2012 Thematic Concentration in Japanese Prose (Qualico2012 International Quantitative Linguistics Conference)
10. 2012 What the mathematical linguistics of Japanese and the Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan should provide: A message from International Quantitative Linguistics Association (Invited Speech at the symposium of Keiryo kokugo gakkai (Society for the Mathematical Linguistics), the 56th Annual Meeting)
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■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 2014~2016  Quantitative Analysis of the Valency of Japanese Verbs  (Key Word : )
■ Academic background
1. 1992/04~1995/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Accomplished credits for doctoral program
■ Belonging society
1. International Quantitative Linguistics Association
2. 2009~ ∟ Council Members at Large
3. The Association for the Study of Japanese Language and Literature
4. 2013/07~2015/06 ∟ Editor